i would have to say.. watching Wolf's rain! (anime...)
I really connected with the wolves, and started poking around a lot... i really felt like i wasnt supposed to be human, so i dug around looking at all sorts of werewolf stuff.. .got into paganism, therianthropy... the furry fandom...
Wolf's rain really led me to all the things that make up who i really am at heart! Atleast, leading me down the right path to find them.
wait, you connected with wolves in a anime?? wouldnt that make you more of a otakukin??
not nice, that's more of an american term. real term would be a fan boy/girl, depending on what you are respectively
wait, do you even know what a otakukin is? its not to offend someone, someone can be a fan, but if they are connected to a character (like a therian to a theriotype), its called a otakukin, but people can be mixed kin too... though i dont believe in otakukin, there are people who do
oh, there's a difference between fanboy and fan btw, a fanboy/fangirl is something thats "overly loyal" and thinks his/her preferation is the best, and tries to prove that point by hating on all the other things connected (at least, thats how it works in the console wars)