I have been a member since 2015, and this is my very first post, so allow me to introduce myself!
My name is Sunamena, I am obviously a Brony (or pegasister), and am looking forward to see what this forum has to offer.
So, what do I do in my day to day life? A lot actually.
EducationI am currently learning to speak French and German. I already speak decent English and Dutch. Though I am terrible at spelling and grammar.
Hobbys and IntrestsI lik biking, boardgames and chatting. I also love writing letters and mails to penpalls. But I rarely find time to do this. I also sometimes draw (but am at all NOT GOOD at this). I also enjoy programming and cuddle dates.
I also like to be outside, walking, picknick, ....
I dislike crowded places or loud places.
I have an intrest in astronomy, paleontology and the like, I know little about all of those, but they always intrest me. To think and speculate mostly.
People also say that I have a rich fantasy.
I also am part of the organisation of the group Bronies @ Belgium, a welcoming group of bronies for Belgian Bronies and even bronies far beyond Belgium!!! (We have a site, discord and facebookgroup).
PMQPMQ, or in full Pony Master Quest is a big group project that I am working on.
It is a game in the process of building, and it will be FREE to play for everyone. It should go in open beta on october 10th.
My Little Pony is a big influence on it, but the characters you can make and play with are not just ponies.
I think this project can use a topic of its own. Is there a good board to post topics about games in progress on this site? =D
I also adore making friends. You can always find me on Discord (Sunamena#5628).
I am very gratefull to everyone replieing to this message