Wrote the first one 1/5/09 & wrote the second one today.
They sound more like something more like for a song then a poem.
Maybe their both.
I still feel so lost,
my thoughts are spinning
my breathe is choked.
I think & I think untill I can't bare it no longer.
I've tried to stop myself
but it just won't work.
I ache to call him,
but my fingers shake away from the phone.
Once more fear captures my beating heart.
Breathe (in, out, in, out.)
Trying to convince myself: "Its all right, you don't need to."
But I know I do.
& I keep lying to myself.
At this point music is my temporary savior
yet this slight ease won't last long.
Every single moment of this
I feel as if a piece of the real me is gone.
Once the song is the over,
reality is flung back.
Memories flood into the crevices of my mind.
I want them to go away.
I need them to go away.
So I can breathe,
so I can know:
"I'm Alive.".
I don't know whats wrong with us,
we keep turning the tables
& throwing the punches.
But it still isn't getting us anywhere.
Where are we standing?
I can't even see.
We're so blind,
so deaf,
so utterly dumb.
Do you know where your place is?
I think I know mine.
Sinking Battleships,
Are we getting anywhere yet?
Where are we in this?
Not even sure what this is anymore.
Spirialing downward,
spinning unpredictably.
Those from down below,
looking up are whispering: "They don't have a chance."
Lets try to presume them wrong.
& Atleast compromise,
we we may hit our target.