I'm not quite sure why I came here, but hey, I'm Runefox.
I don't really have a set fursona, per se, though I do have multiple roleplay/story characters that I consider to be close enough to be fursonas. I'm a 22 year old male from Newfoundland, Canada, I'm a computer geek, and in my spare time when I'm not playing video games, I code websites and I fix computers. I like to roleplay and write when I can, and I draw from time to time, to varying degrees of success.
Foxes and Kitsune are most awesome to me, as are fighter jets. =D
... I guess there really isn't much to say about me. I'd post more, but that would be a waste of space and as it's almost 5AM, it'd probably be psychobabble at this point.

Any questions?
Oh, and please don't eat me.