Avoiding most of the violence in the poor quarter, mostly just thugs shanking people with vibroblades then robbing them. Ajax looked up and saw the house he was looking for. Knocking on the door and trying to seem as friendly as possible, he got no answer, now kicking in the door he knew why, there was a small band of Sith Troopers radioing into their Command Ship, what appeared to them as a twitch, Ajax already had his rifle out and began firing, killing two and hitting another.
"Kill the meddler, we have our mark" the lead trooper, in red ordered. The rest of the troopers opened fire, and cause therte was no immediate cover he took quit a beating from the lasers. "Is all that you sith fodder got?" he taunted and opening firing again killing the wounded trooper with a shot to the face and hitting the leader in the leg. Jetting foward he kicked the leader in the throat incapacitating him, the other two troopers didn't give it a second thought, and they dropped their blasters and pulled out vibroblades. "Damn... I have no blade of my own" he thought, thinking quickly he rolled out of the way from one overhead strike and got a nasty slash from the other, reaching for the squad leader he pulled out an Echani longsword. Twirling it around in his hands to test the weight, Ajax found it to be reasonably light.
Lunging forward he blocked a stab and slashed at the one troopers' throat, slitting it and the soldier gurgled on his own blood as he fell. The second trooper he kicked and while he was stunned went for the stab, leaving the sword in the trooper he began to scour the house.
He quickly ame upon the corpse of the Ithorian, either the Sith didnt care for his info. or it was unnecessary, luckily they forgot to fry the computer and he downloaded the information.
Taking the transmitter that the Sith were talking into, the Comm Officer was probably wondering why there were gunshots, fortunately Ajax was brutality honest when it came to this.
"Ok listen up, what just happened is that I ran in and shot two of your troopers, kicked their leader in the throat, and stabbed the other two, if you think your silly little Sith Troopers can stop Ajax, famed Bounty Hunter from getting his mark, your wrong, sleep with one eye open, I'm coming for you......."
[On the Sith Battle Ship with Malevius, all over the comnet)
"My Lord.. whoever this Ajax is, he's a reasonably well armed and trained opponent, nothing short of a force user seems capable of killing him now, he's disrupted our efforts for finding the Artifact m'lord... Shall we send a hit team to silence him?"
The Vice Admiral spoke with a calm voice, the Fleet Admiral was quaking in his boots because not only Malevius wants to kill him, but now an experienced hunter.