well, i just had a funny run in with the local police today, and i was wondering who else had a story filled with such fail as this...
i went down to pic'n'save to pick up a thing of icecream, got a monster too, and i payed for them seperate
paulmshlr: well, as im leaving to get in the car, one of the clerks who i paid for the stuff in dront of comes out yelling at me to come back in and pay for the icecream, and he has a cop trailing him with his gun drawn and pointed at my chest. well, i just said a few not so nice words and piulled out the receipt for the icecream and gave the cop a dirty look. then i told the clerk that i was pulling my application for his companies workers incompetance and that id be filing a greivance to roundys and the city police at there incompitance
well, any other stories you guys have like tht, post them here. or where ever this gets moved too