I was at the (dreaded) lunch tabke and i was sitting at a bench sitting on my legs. There was a person was, like, Hey, you remind me of blablabla anime character! That ended up, that character was a anthro-skunk. I was kike, cool, but thats not really like my fursona. I HAVE NOT SPEAKEN WITH THAT PERSON AGAIN. They avoid e, of all things. Im not sure what to do. Something might have been misconstrued. ...help?
Post Merge: November 26, 2013, 07:48:46 PM
Why do my folks think I have lost my mind for buying a fursuit ?
please help
Well, its not normal, and iam considering too. These suits can averege 2500 for a full suit, and that is an investment that not all people can make. Think of it as yiur friend l8kes gmmes so much he wants to have gnome plastic surgury. It can sound a little extreme.