Kitt had got halfway to the fire, returning White's greeting, and attempting not to meet Kiana's eyes again; before he was stopped by his father...
"C'mon then kiddo... i told ya i was gonna train you how to use that new sword properly... and no time like the present, eh?"
Kitt groaned, his stomach growling.. "Can' it wait till ive had somthin' to eat dad?"
Vladimir raised an eyebrow, drawing his own blade...
"You think an adversary is just gonna wait for you to finish your breakfast?... c'mon, your thirteen now, old enough to handle his own sword..
With that he drew Kitt slightly away from the rest of the group, not trusting kitt's ability to not injure someone while practicing, and then pulled his sword up into the guard position....
"Right.... i'm gonna gaurd against all yoru attacks, you've gotta get through my defence..."
Kitt drew his own sword, the blade flashing silver as the enchantment on the steel burst into life...
"Aw c'mon dad... you know youre gonna be embarased when i beat you..."
With that the two sparred, Vladimir, though getting old himself; blocked almost every attempt by Kitt... the younger feline seemingly got better as they faught, almost breaking his fathers defence once, until he tripped and was sent sprawling in the dirt.... Jumping back up, and trying not to look at Kiana or anyone else, he swung his shortsword again, going for a stopthrust....