"Go Go GO! Echo team needs us!" Howl got up from the sound of the other teams making it, they were yelling into a microphone, "Echo team, if you do not get out of that building and meet up with us in 5 minutes, then we will assume the occupation as hostile, and LEVEL it." Howl thought to himself, "Wha...what? No way...I guess I'll get Arrant out of here." Stumbling over to the bath tube, he threw Arrant's arm over his shoulder and began to drag him. "Come on, Arrant, get up!" Several enemy soldiers were inside the building, on popped out at Howl, but was shot multiple times in the head by Howl's bullets. When he got to the stairs, he reloaded his gun, and picked up Arrant. "Ok, here we go!" Running down the stairs in a half daze, he only had 2 and a half minutes left before the building was destroyed.