Lorazys looked at the child and back at Neco, "Take the child to the T-Point (transport point) in the woods where we first got here. Keep a cover on and beware of subject 1. Remember, the two must never be near each other until after incubation is over. 1's mind is completely broken right now and hasn't passed incubation, yet. He's also getting closer back to the village in search of his counter-part. Keep this child safe, even if it means your life. I will not have this mission fail." Lorazys looked back over to the seemingly unconscious human and penetrated the minds of everyone in the room for 3 seconds, making it seem as if she was still standing there, but in actuality walking over and around the corner of the wall. So when the illusion wore off, it seemed as if she disappeared in to thin air and teleported over by Charles. "I know you're still awake, since your heart is not relaxed. Your life has been spared, human, by the very one you tried to kill. Be grateful to be in favor of his big heart. But be warned, do not send your men here to fight. If you interfere with us, I will not hesitate to remove any that are hostile. The threat coming here, if provoked, will kill all of you. So for the sake of you and your men, keep quiet." She penetrated their minds once more for 4 seconds and made them see her disappear into thin air, as she casually jumped out the window she came in and ran out into the night.