Well... It proved to be a bit more of a challenge then I initially predetermined. But I came up with couple ideas. I'm working on two:
One is called "The Life Binder" and the other is "Wolf Spirit."
The Life Binder is pretty much about the symbolic nature that holds binds all life together in relation to nature itself. And Wolf Spirit is about someone embracing the inner wild, and "becoming" the beast within.
I'll have them up soon. Just proofreading and editing and proofreading and then more editing.
Post Merge: March 20, 2010, 04:23:05 AM
Gentlemen... BEHOLD!
The Life-Binder
Soar above the lines of all perception
Standing tall above all that lives below,
The yearning cries for the Life-Binder's embrace.
Enticing meadows and streaming forests sing harmoniously
Soar into the perpetual skyline
Embers dress the evening horizon
To bid farwell to the vigor of the day
The constant endeavour is never complete
Life-Binder, Earth Queen,
Enrich the landscape with your grace
Your touch is like the calming breeze
And your face reflects the endless beauty
Your heart is of the purest of golden stream
And your eyes are gems of chromatic intensity
Your embrace is as warm as the summers breeze
And your whisper is as cold as winters end
You stand at the very pinnacle of exsistence
And you watch and as the day burns to an end
Life-Binder, you affinity is picturesque and unflawed
As we walk the line and dance into arms
More soon!