Lorazys strode past the fields for the whole day, and couldn't find any food. Finally, near sundown, she heard some rustling in the fields just across the river she was drinking from. Her ears perked up and she stalked slowly, looking around to find out what the bustling was coming from. Suddenly, an elk jumped over her from the tall grass, and she doubled back and chased after it. Lorazys tried hard to keep up with the potential catch, but her vision was blurring, having only eaten a single rabbit all day. She shook her head furiously and leapt at the beast, digging her claws into its back and biting hard into its neck. They tumbled a good few meters before she had it down and did her best to bite its neck open. She thought to herself as she struggled with this prize feast. It's times like this, being in a pack had its advantages. Ugh, I can't tell what hurts my head more, the tumbling or the lack of food.