Age of ancients story
The year is 2037. The world is once more ruled by chaos and the law of magic. Mechanical science fading into memory after the great war of 2020. During the war mechs and jets filled the land but one act of great destruction ended it. A large number of emps strong enough to wipe out all electrical devices covered the earth. For many years chaos ruled the land until a mysterious being appeared her name was Simply known as dawn. Her hair blue like the sky once was she came with the gift of true magic and the promise of salvation the current gods did not seem able to bring. The power was given through rituals of sacrifice to Dawn. She was a golemancer and alchemist. The sacrifices were constant as with each new born a new sacrifice was needed but there were others that found this ritual barbaric. Many in number and refusing to give in to her True God's Will these blasphymeres belived in the old ways and old gods. But there numbers were no match for the sheer power of alchemy and golems.
Blasphyemers: the most numerous but non magic using group. They have access to old weaponry that does not require electricty.
Dawns crusaders: Though smaller in number then the other group they have access to almost any magic except electric abilites. The also have with them 1 familiar. Usually a small animal that they can use as fast communication between each other.
Char sheet
Alliance: you can choose crusader, blasphymer or even be allied to none. If no alliance you are considered a traitor to both sides. But you get acess to weapons as well as magic.
Familiar: if applies can be simple like a house cat or large like a bear.
Descrition or image:
Name: Dawn or so people think
Age: unknown
Abilites: golemancy and alchemy along with surprises.
Familiar: 4 different golems one for recon/assassination , another for brute strength, third for sword and gun fighting, forth for defensive and offensive magic. Only 2 can be controlled at a time.
backstory: will be found out as story unfolds kind of thing.