Seeing this new development, to Gavin, was the equivalent of having his head rammed into a brick wall at a few zillion miles an hour. Everything went still, freeze-frame, and speaking of freeze, a newfound chill rose up through his body and utterly squashed any former confidence he held. His tail fell, deadweight. Do something.... He watched as Felix aimed, as Veronica moved, as the wolgon laughed and shot, as the civillian child ran. Do something... He watched as the child turned into Trisha in his mind's eye. Gavin had never wanted to see her like this, but his heart had other plans in store. That was now Trisha who was about to be killed, would be killed, is being killed....Do something, Gavin...
Gavin broke out of his trance in a hurry. How, why had he been so selfish this whole time? It was stupid of him. He reached for the metal baseball bat on his back, knowing he'd have to go for the hunter's rifle if things got worse......which they probably would knowing the world as it turned.