A battered, black sports car rolled up outside the care centre. Loud rock music blasted through the car speakers before the driver turned the engine off, the thick set timber wolf jumped out of the car, went round to the other door, and pulled out the young feline who had been in the passenger seat...
"Right, Kitt... yous gonna enjoy yerself here, right? Im gonna be away with the lads and yous not gonna make no trouble, right?"
The young feline nodded, he was a teenager, and yet Danny still made him feel like he was three years old...
"Danny, why does ya keep chucking me in crappy places like this?"
The Timberwolf scowled as he chiveyed Kitt towards the care centre entrance... "I told yas, dont call me Danny... its Dan you idiot.... and why does that matter ta you? I take ya where i want, an' if i say yours staying at some care centre while im off with my mates, then thats what im doin', gottit?"
The two walked through the care centre doors, Danny with his several ear and lip piercings, as well as the ripped jeans.. Pulling Kitt behind him, with his single shoulderbag of belongings, three quarterlength jeans and scruffy unkempt hair that fell partially over one amber eye...
Danny pulled Kitt along to the reception area, looking around for someone to unload the Kid on....