Shinzuu blushed and looked into her eyes, slowly lowering his muzzle to her's without even knowing. "And I've wanted to be with you as well. But not just as I am, but as the one you look to, not shut out. I mean, you're the only girl who hasn't tried to make a move on me, or be interested in me for who I am, rather than for my fame and reputation. You're the kind of girl that I've been hoping that I would get. I guess the bonus is that I'm not allergic to you."
Lorazys gave Reno a surprised look when he asked his question and then when it caught up with her, she giggled, almost breaking out into laughter. "Me? No way. Guys are always intimidated by me. I mean, come on. I graduated every school, Primary, Secondary, High School, and even Tokyo University early. I was my boss's boss after only 1 year of work, and I'm in a position where people in their 30's are working hard to get. On top of that, I'm tall, strong, and I can kick anyone's ass in both real life and in video games. Nah, there's no guy who would ever think even once about me."