Shinzuu groaned as he got up. Saturday.... finally, one more day of class to put up with before he gets his day off, though he still doesn't feel that he'll be in the mood to leave the house when tomorrow comes. He made his way to school, but was bombarded by his usual crowd of girls and gay guys, but not as many gays this time, since quite a few know about what happened with him and Veronica. He ran right through the crowd and into his classroom. Shinzuu scratched his boils like crazy until the itching stopped. He sighed as he relaxed, and noticed some other girls congregating in the school yard. "Hey guys. Look who's finally back. Those little music peps are done with their competition. And look who's taking lead. Luca." The other guys began laughing, "Yea, he was the only person as popular as you, except I think the gay guys takes you over him with ease. Hahaha!" Shinzuu scoffed, "You guys know damn right why they all flock to me. But then again, you look at his spectrum, he gets all the nerdy girls who are suckers for music over sports." Karo laughed as he patted Shinzuu's back, "Well, at least no girl is left without a heart-break."