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Author Topic: Fur-al High  (Read 73240 times)

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #945 on: January 16, 2011, 12:34:58 AM »
Reno stood in the crowd, watching the casket slowly move into the fire. Part of him wanted to just jump in with her, he could be with her then. But he didn't do it, however it crossed his mind. Watching in silence he kept a blank look on his face, trying to hide his anguish. He choked suddenly, the combination of the heat from the fire and holding back tears made it happen. Covering his mouth and rubbing his eyes he turned and left the room. Outside he waited for a moment, composing himself. A little ways from the door out of the way of anyone who would walk by, he crouched down with his right hand over his face. "Damnit...She's...I...Schad...What do I do now?"
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #946 on: January 16, 2011, 12:58:31 AM »
After the casket finally went all the way in, the door to the inside of the furnace slammed shut and the fire increased immensely within. Everyone stood still for q while before finally leaving as well. Shiori stayed just outside the door, next to Reno, Shinzuu and Veronica right next to her. Another minute later, the speaker from before came out of the door with a golden urn. "Now where is Adali?"

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #947 on: January 16, 2011, 01:43:51 AM »
Veronica almost jumped when the furnace door slammed shut but kept her composure. The heat from the fire radiating off of the furnace felt comforting along with the sound of the flames whipping around. It felt like a lullaby but she couldn't fall into it because everyone was moving out of the cremation room. She followed the others out of the room and stood with them outside of the door. When the speaker came out and asked where Schad's mother was, Veronica looked around although she wasn't really interested in finding her. That hardened look remained on her face as she waited for the time where they could leave. She meant no disrespect to Schad, but she just wanted to go to Shiori and Shinzuu's and get into some comfy pajamas. While she stood there, she toyed with the idea of untying her hair and letting it down. Her head was starting to hurt from how tight her hair was tied up. She decided against it though and figured she'd do it when they got in the car.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #948 on: January 16, 2011, 08:05:15 AM »
Marlowe watched the flames, feeling numb, the tears eventually coming to a halt after she watched the door close and the flames spring around wildly. The fire was somewhat calming, but it further enforced the big whole that had been left when Schad had moved, only she knew Schad was not going to show up somewhere or contact her, or see her again. She was the last person to exit, noticing the others again as she stepped outside. She seemed lost again as she looked around, not seeing her father's car. She reached into the top of her dress and felt to see if she stuck the phone in her bra, since she did so when she didn't have pockets, but it wasn't there. She turned behind her when the speaker came outside, noticing he had the urn in his hands.

She was suddenly infuriated that Adali wasn't outside and neither was her father's car. She wanted to go to the speaker and tell him that they were gone and she'd take it, but he probably wouldn't give it to her even if she would promise to get it to Adali. Apparently they had gone somewhere, and didn't care if Schad would be sitting on the cold funeral director's desk for a night or not. Marlowe's hands balled up into fists and before she could think past the moment, she took off at the speaker, snatching the urn out of his hands and running across the parking lot towards the park as fast as her feet would allow it.

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #949 on: January 16, 2011, 08:55:35 AM »
Reno was sitting there crouched down when he looked up to the others leaving. The speaker came out looking for Schadenfreude's mother, he too looked around. He didn't know what she looked like. That's when a girl came from behind the man and swiped Schadenfreude's ashes from him. He saw her run off with it then, instantly without thinking, he took off after her. "Hey, stop!" he shouted out as he chased her. It was a bit of a run to the park but after a bit of running they were at the park. He continued to chase her, now down a hill. That's when she lost her footing on some wet grass and stumbled a bit. Reno however ran right into her from behind and they rolled down the hill to the bottom. Reno landed on his back hard, which made him cringe for a moment. When he opened them he saw the girl falling toward him. She landed on top of him, stopping herself from colliding into him. Her right forearm above his head, elbow to the side of his head with her hand on his ear. Her left hand was planted into the grass, her elbow bent to alleviate the sudden shock. Her legs were off to his right; her face, however, was only about an inch from his. Reno was blushing immensely, his white fur now a heavy pink on his face. He was too nervous to move, this girl was on top of him. "W-W-What do I-...Do I-...Move her? I don't want to touch her! What if she gets the wrong idea! Who is she?! Why did she take Schad's ashes?! She's-...On top of me! GIRL ON TOP OF ME!!! Wait, the ashes! Where'd they-" Reno couldn't look, partially out of fear as well as being nervous and the fact her face was so close to his, but the urn was laying about a foot from the two on his right, behind her.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 08:57:57 AM by Srgntcuddles »
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #950 on: January 16, 2011, 06:02:52 PM »
Shinzuu was looking down at the ground and didn't look up until he heard Reno yell "Stop" and ran out. He quickly looked at Veronica and Shiori before giving chase as well, "You guys stay here, I'll get it back." Shinzuu ran full sprint to chase after the two that were already almost out of sight. Shinzuu got to the park just a few steps behind Reno, since he has longer legs and was an athlete, but he stopped pretty quickly as they got to the hill, since he knew people fall from running on it when it's dry, and watched the two fall straight down the hill. Shinzuu hopped forward and planted his feet, sliding down in a controlled manner. He picked up the urn and inspected it frantically, Okay, the seal isn't broken, and the urn's undamaged. He let out a sigh of relief.

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #951 on: January 16, 2011, 08:00:57 PM »
Veronica watched as the girl grabbed the urn but didn't see it as a big deal even though she had run off like she was doing something terribly wrong. She then watched as Reno ran after her and then Shinzuu pursued them both. She started to open her mouth in protest but quickly shut it after a second, instead saying what she had to in her head. "Wait! Don't...don't leave me with her!" She yelled in her head. She still wasn't happy with Shiori so she didn't want to be left standing around with her. The best she could manage though was to walk out of the funeral home and stand outside, waiting for the others to come back.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #952 on: January 16, 2011, 08:18:28 PM »
She tumbled down the hill landing on the rabbit, but not taking too much time to scramble up after the urn, "You stupid idiot, you made me drop her!" she yelled at him as she did her best to get to it, but before she could get a good grab, a rather large wolf tiger nabbed it when she was mere inches from it. Again, she didn't hesitate to reach out and try snatching it from the guy, despite his size, but missed as he pulled the urn back from her. "Give her back," she said sternly as she stood up, now forgetting the rabbit behind her. Her hands were balled into fists and tears were on the edges of her eyes; she looked terrible by now, she was sure because her dress was probably dirty from her tumble, if anything she was thankful that the urn hadn't spilled out Schad's ashes. She glared at him intensly because he jerked it back, and she didn't care if she was going to have to get in a fist fight over Schad, even if he was bigger than her.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 10:30:53 PM by Mortis.Reptus »

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #953 on: January 16, 2011, 09:48:50 PM »
Reno was taken by surprise when the girl barked at him. (Hurr hurr, bark.) She got off him and he sat up, he was about to say something when he saw her get up and go after Shinzuu. "Shinzuu? When did-" He noticed him with the ashes, which seemed to be intact. Breathing a sigh of relief that the ashes were fine and he wasn't under a girl anymore he stood up and dusted himself off. "That girl...She seems..." "Who are you? And...Why did you take Schad's ashes?" "And how does Shinzuu show up so quickly.......? He must be a ninja...I am in Japan...."
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #954 on: January 16, 2011, 11:09:22 PM »
Shinzuu held the Urn up high so that the terrier couldn't grab it even if she jumped. With the other hand, he held her at the forearm and lifted her off the ground a bit and off to the side so she couldn't kick him somewhere tender, and just out of her reach. He then looked at Reno when he cut his sentence short. "You forget, I'm an athlete, I cover more ground and faster, especially with these long legs. So anyways, *turns to Marlowe* those are our friend's ashes. Who the hell are you to steal it from her mother. I despise that drunk as much as the next person, but she is still Schad's mom, and the rightful keeper of the ashes."

Shiori placed a hand on Veronica's shoulder and sighed, "I know you don't like me. Just go. I'll meet you kids down there after I get the car."

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #955 on: January 17, 2011, 12:25:06 AM »
Veronica managed to stop herself from pulling away from Shiori's hand when she placed it on her shoulder. As soon as the word "go" was off of Shiori's lips, Veronica set off at a sprint in the direction that the others had gone. Once again, she was grateful that she had decided to where flats instead of heels. When she saw the drop-off of the hill after running through the park a little ways, she slowed to a stop. She could see the others down the hill so she cautiously walked down it, being careful not to move too fast or lose her balance. When she reached them, she cringed a little at seeing how Shinzuu was holding the girl. It must have hurt. She moved around the group so the she could see everyone's faces. As she eyed the girl and how desperate she was about the urn, she could guess what the deal was. "Ever think that maybe she's an old friend of Schad's? We're not the only people Schad ever knew in her life." Her eyes moved from the girl as she spoke and she glanced back and forth between Shinzuu and Reno. She had no difficulty saying Schad's name, not choking up when she said it. Sure she was sad about it, but her connection with Schad wasn't as strong as Reno's, so it didn't strike her as hard.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #956 on: January 17, 2011, 02:04:36 AM »
Marlowe wrenched her arm, pulling hard enough to make him drop her. She was growling low in her throat holding her wrist from where the wolf hybrid was holding her. Another voice piped in to the already numerous questions that had been asked. "Schad's mom blew off with my father at the damned funeral leaving me there. She doesn't care about what happens to her now that she's been burned up." She was angry, but also hurting at that fact. "Someone has to do something with them. I was going to scatter them somewhere as soon as I could figure out a place that meant something to her here. The funeral director wasn't going to just hand them to be since I'm obviously not her mom, and I wasn't about to have my friend sit on a desk until that alcoholic decided it was time to pick her up." She extended her hand out to the hybrid, "Now give her back, now. PLEASE."

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #957 on: January 17, 2011, 02:18:11 AM »
"So she is Schad's friend? Wh-..." "Just give it to her, Shinzuu...Please..." said Reno, face looking down. "I-...She...Schadenfreude meant a lot to me...I'd like to help find a place to spread her ashes as well. That's the least I can do for her..." Reno crouched down again, trying to hide the saddened look on his face. The thought of wanting to just curl up and die crossed his mind. He hoped Shinzuu could respect his wishes, of all people he figured he would at least do it for him. Especially under these circumstances.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #958 on: January 17, 2011, 02:24:36 AM »
Shinzuu let go of Marlowe's arm when she struggled and sighed when he handed over the ashes after Reno begged him to, "Fine, I guess, but we do this together. I may not have known her as long as you did, kid, but we're all friends of Schad's." After handing over the ashes to Marlowe, Shiori pulled up and honked the horn and then rolled down the window, "I see you all met Marlowe. She's the daughter of Mordecai, the gentleman who escorted Miss Adali out. They're close family friends, so don't worry. Marlowe grew up with Schadenfreude, so she was probably a bit more distraught than the rest of you. Come on, let's get some food. We'll talk about this over supper. You, too, Marlowe. Your dad told me to take you out with us. He's taking Miss Adali home to console her. I'll take you back later."

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #959 on: January 17, 2011, 05:13:41 PM »
Veronica watched the others with mild interest. She could tell how distraught Marlowe was about everything and wasn't really surprised when she insulted Schad's mother. She could also tell upset Reno was about everything as well. When she heard the horn honking, she looked in the direction that it came from then listened to Shiori. Hearing that she was right didn't make her smug at all. "Come on guys, let's go." She said, though it wasn't in an eager tone, as she walked toward the car, grabbing Shinzuu's wrist in the process and pulling him along in the process. It would look pretty funny looking since he was almost a foot and a half taller than her. "Let the situation go for now and let's get some food." She looked over at him as she spoke then looked forward again as she headed for the car.
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