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Author Topic: Fur-al High  (Read 73242 times)

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #960 on: January 17, 2011, 05:30:11 PM »
Marlowe took the urn back, holding onto it tight. She seemed confused. Well, she was confused. There was a strange woman that was telling her to get in the car that just spewed off a lot of information about her and her father and three others that knew Schad. "My dad doesn't know anyone here except Adali and Mr. Rice's people," she mumbled as she walked to the car, following behind the hybrid the rabbit had called "Shinzuu." She hesitated to get in and looked at the woman after she wiped her face and did her best to not look like she tumbled down a hill running off with her friend's urn from a funeral, "Are you with Mr. Rice's people or something?"

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #961 on: January 17, 2011, 07:40:21 PM »
Reno stood up slowly and watched as the others went up the hill to the car. He didn't really want to go with them, but he did anyway. He figured he could avoid all human contact when this was over. Getting in the car he found him sitting next to next to Marlowe. However he put as much distance as he was able, he couldn't seem to help being nervous around new females. He looked as if he were avoiding her as if she had the plague. Looking out the window he kept quiet and to himself.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #962 on: January 17, 2011, 11:29:05 PM »
Shinzuu blushed when Veronica took his wrist, and just let her pull him along, almost like it was an instant spell over him. Shiori gave a smile and then turned to Marlowe, "Actually, I'm a judge. I'm a friend of Adali's, having been the one in charge of all her cases. I talked it over with your father, so he knows who I am now and he trusts me. Now come on, I made reservations at the only fancy restaurant in town. They serve food from anywhere around the world. In Japan, it's a famous eating spot. Reservations need to be made months in advanced, on normal occasions." Shiori then drove off towards the restaurant when everyone finally sat down and buckled up. When they got there, the host immediately recognized Shiori and showed everyone to the large table. Along with the group, there were a few people who knew Adali and Veronica's parents, it was the largest table in the restaurant.

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #963 on: January 18, 2011, 02:52:23 AM »
Veronica had released Shinzuu's wrist when they got to the car. She went through the ride in silence. Food sounded moderately good to her at this point. Anything that would get her mind off of things that she didn't believe she needed to be thinking about. Her hope was squashed when they walked into the restaurant and were led to their table though as she saw people from the funerals. Obviously it was the people who knew her parents being there that bothered her, not the people who knew Schad's mother. Her posture slumped slightly at the sight. "Can't this just be over already?" She thought to herself and the next words slipped out of her mouth on accident, but she didn't realize it. "This day really needs to end." Her voice was soft when she spoke, but it would have been audible to anyone who was close enough.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #964 on: January 18, 2011, 03:00:16 AM »
Marlowe had sat in silence. It seemed awkward being thrust into Schad's friends, especially so quickly. She looked down to the urn in her lap and sighed, not really knowing what to do with it when everyone had started to get out of the car. She sat it on the seat, looked at it hesitantly, Well, it won't be long, then followed the rest inside. She didn't know anyone there, so she kept close to the people she was with so she wouldn't get lost again. She somewhat wished she had her phone again so she'd at least be able to fiddle with it when things were awkward. She looked behind her noticing that the rabbit was avoiding her, "C'mon rabbit boy, I'm not contagious."

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #965 on: January 18, 2011, 10:35:42 PM »
Reno had gotten out of the car quickly when they arrived where they needed to go. Walking into the restaurant he still avoided Marlowe a bit. He jumped a little, startled when she spoke to him. "I-I uhm...I'm sorry. Aheh...I-...I'm Reno. Nice to uhm...Meet...You." he choked out nervously, extending a shaky hand to her. He was trying to be polite, as nervous as he was. Along with Schadenfreude's death weighing him down. What possessed him to even try to be nice was a mystery to himself. He still had the lingering thought of anyone close to him dies.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #966 on: January 18, 2011, 11:45:22 PM »
Shinzuu, being himself, had a lighter mood with food and gorged on it. Shiori giggled a little at her step-son, "You know, Shinny, that's how you became a fat boy when you were growing up. Only difference is that you have metabolism now, so you don't build up girth. Just make sure you keep up your daily routine so you can keep that metabolism up. God knows that we don't need a taller version of your old self." Several of the other older ladies at the table giggled, even some of the younger ones.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 11:37:50 PM by Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy »

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #967 on: January 19, 2011, 01:18:27 AM »
Veronica didn't giggle at what Shiori said about Shinzuu. She barely even heard her speaking at all. The appetite she had had was pretty much gone now that she had seen their company. Pushing the food around on her plate was pretty much all she did as she sat there at the table, never looking up. Every now and then she took a nibble of her food but mainly just looked at it. All she wanted to was go to the house and get away from everything. These people were not what she wanted to deal with right now. Finally, she just leaned back in her seat, slouching and resting her hands on her legs. Her head was still hurting from how tightly her hair was tied up but she wasn't going to take it down at the moment. She was still putting on the show of being a tough grown up and she felt like if she let her hair down then she'd be letting everything else crash down on her in front of all these people.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #968 on: January 19, 2011, 05:42:35 AM »
"Well, I'm sure you know already, I'm Marlowe." She took his hand and shook it, aggravated with how nervous he was. She dismissed it as him just having a lot on his mind and took her seat. She really just sat and listened, occasionally looking over to the other girl that came with them.. She was quiet, too. She ate, but not too much. Just enough to get her stomach to quit bothering her. She felt that lost feeling creeping up over her again, and wondered what school would be like, not knowing anyone all over again. She sighed. Schad, you better have good friends, because it looks like I'm stuck with 'em. The thought of Schad made her mood fall again, so she stirred her drink with her straw idly, trying to seem like she was at least paying attention to what was going on, but she looked as if she had something eating at her.

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #969 on: January 19, 2011, 07:53:34 AM »
Reno didn't eat, in fact after his first bite he excused himself to the bathroom and just didn't come out. Inside he relieved himself and washed his face a bit. He was still a little dirty from the other night and didn't get the chance to shower. "Ugh...I feel terrible..." Leaning on the sink he continued thinking to himself. "I don't want to seem rude to Shinzuu...Or Veronica...But I just want to be alone right now...I already think I got on Marlowe's bad side...Not to mention Veronica......However she said hello the other day...And...Her hand...*Looks at his left hand*...Why did this stuff happen?! Was it really my fault?! She was trying to comfort me!...She lost her parents...Yet...She was comforting me...I don't get it..."
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #970 on: January 19, 2011, 11:37:23 PM »
After the dinner, Shiori drove the kids out. Marlowe was the first to be dropped off, having been staying the closest to the restaurant. Reno was the next dropped off, and then drove home. Shiori yawned as they got back into the apartment, "I have work early tomorrow, so I'm sorry ahead of time if I wake anyone up." Shinzuu looked at his phone to check the time, "It's only 8pm, ma, but whatever, I'll try to keep the TV down." He walked into the living room and turned on the TV and PS3, turning the volume down. "Oh, I know you two haven't really talked yesterday, so you're still off of school until you take care of it."

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #971 on: January 20, 2011, 12:50:49 AM »
Veronica was relieved when they finally left the restaurant. She had noticed Marlowe looking at her during dinner but wasn't in the right frame of mind to be annoyed by it. As they rode in the car, she stayed silent and when they got to the apartment she headed straight to the guest room. Grabbing her pajamas, she headed into the bathroom. She took care of business, changed into her pajamas, and brushed her teeth. When she exited the bathroom, she took her dirty outfit into the guest room and threw it in a corner. As she walked into the living room, she pulled the hair-tie from her hair and let her hair fall around her face and shoulders, putting the hair-tie on her wrist. She glanced at the teddy bear she had set in the chair that morning as she passed it then sat on one end of the couch.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #972 on: January 20, 2011, 01:55:04 PM »
When she arrived home, she grabbed the urn and checked her father's car for her cell phone. He had left it unlocked by accident, and when she found her phone she made sure to lock it back. She walked inside with her phone and the urn, climbing up the stairs to her room. Before she went inside, she stood beside her father's door where there was a faint glow and muttered, "Thanks for leaving me, dad," in a loud enough tone for Mordecai to hear her. Before he could come to the door, she went inside and slammed hers, locking it. She sat the urn above her TV and plopped on her bed.

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #973 on: January 20, 2011, 06:25:45 PM »
When Reno was dropped off he walked inside. Both Alexia and Dorris asked him where he had been, he said nothing and went into his room. After locking his door and turning on the light he saw a bunch of stuff on his bed that wasn't there when he left. Noticeably a Croagunk doll sat atop the pile. That reminded him that Schadenfreude was being moved into his room. He thought of how awkward that was going to be, but now that she was gone he wouldn't have minded as long as she would have been around. He took his jacket off and set it on the table, he would have to run it to get cleaned after the tumble down that hill with Marlowe. After that he got undressed and went to take a shower. After that Reno came out and began moving Schadenfreude's stuff from the bed to the ground carefully. He found her sketch book as he did so, instead of putting it on the floor he set it next to his jacket. After that he picked up the Croagunk and crawled into bed with it. Lying down he hugged it and fell asleep with it.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #974 on: January 20, 2011, 08:09:52 PM »
Shinzuu was surprised to see Veronica sit on the couch with him, and was even more surprised of how beautiful she was with her hair down. Suddenly, a thought of what he'd seen in some movies where the girl lets her hair down, and it made him blush and concentrate more on his game. As the night wore on, Shinzuu finally fell asleep while playing his game at around 11pm, his mind not giving him the pleasure of having a dream.


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