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Author Topic: Fur-al High  (Read 73189 times)

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Offline Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #900 on: January 07, 2011, 11:58:16 AM »
Shinzuu looked over at Veronica when she mentioned her hair being a mess, and couldn't help but stare at her eyes for a bit before he caught himself and scruffed some of her hair while chuckling, "You can fix it later after my mother's out." No sooner did he say that, did Reno run into the bathroom. Shiori was just getting out of the tub when Reno barged in, "What the hell is your problem, child!? Get out you little pervert!" Obviously being more awake, Shiori was very conscious about herself around guests, and she was furious now. She quickly grabbed a towel to cover herself and then grabbed the long scrub-brush and proceded to chase Reno out.

Offline Vee Katame: His Wolfy

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #901 on: January 07, 2011, 04:21:19 PM »
Veronica noticed how Shinzuu was looking at her but continued to focus on her hair. That is, until Shinzuu messed with it more. "Hey! You're not helping!" She whined. That was about the time she heard a door open and then heard Shiori yelling. Glancing over, she saw Reno standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "I think she's out." She said, holding in a laugh so that she didn't get yelled at for finding the situation funny when Shiori was furious about it. She slipped out of the kitchen and went to the guest room, grabbing the black dress off the bed and folding her undergarments into it so they couldn't be seen by the guys. Walking back to the kitchen, she waited for the commotion to be over.
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"True love doesn't have a happy ending because true love doesn't end." - Unknown

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #902 on: January 07, 2011, 06:16:27 PM »
The car ride was silent. Marlowe was in and out of consciousness, but was a little irritated she didn't grab her iPod. She just sat in the passenger seat looking out the window with her hands stuffed in her pocket. The first place they stopped was somewhere for breakfast. Her dad stopped by the American food place and got a couple of biscuits and stopped at the park to eat. He nudged her as he got out of the car with the bag. "C'mon sleepy." She eventually shuffled out of the car, watching her dad find a spot on a bench. "At least the park is nice. I kind of don't even know why we drove. We could have walked here and to your school. The only place we really have to drive is where we're getting our formal." He was digging around in the bag for her biscuit as she approached him. She knew something was wrong because he as trying to hard to make light of moving, but she tried to ignore her gut feeling and took the biscuit when he handed it to her.

"Yeah, the park is pretty, I like the trees. Though there was more of those back home." She said, stuffing her mouth with the biscuit.

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #903 on: January 07, 2011, 06:30:39 PM »
Reno almost slipped due to shock as he walked in on Shinzuu's mom in the bath. He held onto the door handle to avoid falling and quickly retreated from the bathroom. "Sorry! I-I uhm- Sorry!!" After being out of the bathroom is when he fell over himself. He stumbled over to the couch and just sat there staring straight forward. His face was bright red and a little blood was dripping down from his nose. "Bollocks. Gonna get eaten now. It's over. She was naked. And-...Naked. I just saw his mother-...I'm goin' to hell for sure. I don't think I should stay for dinner. I might be served for it."
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Offline Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #904 on: January 07, 2011, 11:46:33 PM »
Shinzuu sighed and facepawed at the commotion coming from the bathroom, I warned her the first time..." He then turned off the fire on both stoves, pulling plates out of the cupboard above him and placing them across the counter. Shinzuu stacked bacon on one plate, ham on the second, and slowly ladled out eggs, soaking them in running cold water. He cracked them all open and placed the eggs on the last plate, placing them in the little island counter behind him. "Ok, everyone! Hurry up and grab some eats before we go! We gotta get outta here by 8:30 if we want to make it on time!"

Offline Vee Katame: His Wolfy

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #905 on: January 08, 2011, 03:12:53 AM »
Veronica watched Reno scurry out of the bathroom and noticed his bloody nose before he went out of sight. Grabbing a couple napkins, she went into the living room and handed them to Reno with a sympathetic smile because of his embarrassment. She went back to the kitchen, grabbing an egg and eating it then grabbing a couple pieces of bacon. After that, she disappeared into the guest room and shut the door behind her. While in the guest room, she set her outfit back down on the bed and ate the pieces of bacon before disrobing. She put her undergarments on before she grabbed a hairbrush out of the box on the bed and started brushing out her messy hair, grimacing when she hit any knots in it but there surprisingly weren't many. When it was to her satisfaction, she grabbed her dress and pulled it on, zipping the back of it up. She swept her hair up into a neat bun, which was an extremely rare thing, and put a hair-tie around it. Looking at herself in the mirror above the dresser, she saw a sympathetic look reflected back at her. She didn't feel like that was the expression on her face so it seemed odd to her to see it in the mirror. When she closed her eyes and exhaled, the look had disappeared from her face in the mirror when she opened her eyes again and she smoothed the sides of her dress. She walked to the door and opened it slowly then stepped out. "Ready." She said softly as she stayed standing in the doorway of the room.
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"True love doesn't have a happy ending because true love doesn't end." - Unknown

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #906 on: January 08, 2011, 04:36:02 AM »
They both ate their biscuits acknowledging different things around the park and in the park itself. They eventually were off the bench and in the grass, both sitting Indian style while eating. Her father seemed to be dress a little less formal, but he was wearing a black pair of slacks with a button up white dress shirt, some suspenders, and a red tie. She guessed he would be getting clothes with her wherever they were going.
The place was still a little odd to her. She still couldn't read the signs. It unnerved her somewhat, but she figured in time she would learn it. After all, she had to go from German to English before. It seemed like forever, but eventually her father brushed himself off and stood up, helping her up. "Do you want to go to the school or get your clothes first?" he questioned, stretching. The sun was bright outside, his white fur almost blinded her.
"I guess we can get the clothes."
"If we get those you're probably going to have to go to the school in them, you know."
"I know, I guess I'll deal with it."

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #907 on: January 08, 2011, 09:19:57 PM »
Reno took the napkin from Veronica without realizing what it was for. But he momentarily noticed his nose was bleeding and cleaned it up. After that he went over into the kitchen and got some food. A couple eggs, and lots of ham and bacon. He ate quickly in silence not saying a word out of embarrassment and being shy. After eating he went and set out his change of clothes. He waited until Veronica exited the guest room, not wanting to risk entering the bathroom again he went in after she left. When he saw Veronica he stopped for a moment, not being able to control it. As he passed her he looked away mumbling something to her. " look nice." His nose was bleeding a little more, which he just wiped with his shirt. Reno closed the door when he was inside and looked at himself in the mirror. Sighing he changed his clothes and put on his jacket he rarely wore completing his suit. Again he sighed deeply, then a sudden urge to puke came to him. He leaned up against the wall breathing deeply. The thought of not being able to confess his love to and never see Schadenfreude again made him feel sick to his stomach. He fell to his knees leaning against the mirror, he was holding back tears as he thought of the whole thing.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 12:37:09 AM by Srgntcuddles »
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Offline Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #908 on: January 09, 2011, 01:00:00 AM »
Shiori made short work of getting her dress on in the bathroom, and came out, wolfing down a couple eggs and a few pieces of ham, steering clear of the bacon. It wasn't that she worried about the contents of the food, but rather, she just didn't like the taste of fat. Shinzuu then watched the clock as he, too, ate, but in bulk, and pretty much finishing off everything that everyone else didn't grab. Shiori grabbed her keys, "Okay, let's all get out of here. It's a half-hour walk to the other side of town, and I would rather we be early."

Offline Vee Katame: His Wolfy

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #909 on: January 09, 2011, 02:04:46 AM »
Veronica had looked at the floor and stepped out of the way when Reno walked up. "Thanks..." She mumbled, really meaning it but just feeling shy about it. She watched Shiori and Shinzuu eat, surprised at how much Shinzuu ate by himself. When Shiori said it was time to go and Reno hadn't come out of the guest room yet, she gently knocked on the door. "Reno, come on, we gotta get moving." She said this in a way that wouldn't really be rushing him but just making him aware of the fact that he needed to come out now so they could all leave.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 02:34:07 AM by VeeSmith: His Wolfy »
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #910 on: January 09, 2011, 02:50:29 AM »
They arrived at the store. It was some fancy place with several kinds of black tie affair attire to choose from. Her father picked a nicer version of his usual with some black shoes, while Marlowe struggled in choosing. She didn't like dresses, but she didn't particularly care to have people tag her as something she wasn't while there, and so trying to pick something was a little hard. She wound up picking a black dress that was floor length, but wasn't too fancy. For once in her life she was going to wear a dress, and the thought was somewhat.. Hard to swallow, but she only did it out of respect for her dead friend. Somehow, she managed to convince her father to wait until after they went to the school to make her wear it. They walked to the school, standing outside of it trying to figure out what to think about it.

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #911 on: January 09, 2011, 03:07:40 AM »
Reno heard the knock on the door and quickly got to his feet. Hearing Veronica's voice he was going to say something but didn't think he could without sounding like he was crying. He said nothing and went over to the door, opening it he scratched above his eyes trying to hide them as he went passed Veronica. He then went to the door, got his shoes on and waited outside a couple yards from the door. He was facing away from them, but just enough to allow him to see them with his peripheral vision. His mind was plagued with thoughts of Schadenfreude.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #912 on: January 09, 2011, 06:04:08 PM »
The four of them walked across town together, and Shinzuu couldn't help but adjust his suit from time to time. "So you want to tell me why we're walking again, ma, and not driving there?" Shiori chuckled nervously as she scratched the back of her head, "Well, you see, honey... I actually got home later than usual last night because we were having a 'celebration' about me taking Veronica in. I wasn't planning on it, but the others threw it as a surprise. I felt quite guilty about it so I drank myself hard. Long story short, the Chief drove me home last night, so my car's still at the office parking lot just down the street from the funeral home. Don't worry, the car will be ready for the procession."

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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #913 on: January 09, 2011, 07:41:46 PM »
Veronica was glad she had decided to wear flats instead of high heels because her feet would have been killing her already. She watched the ground ahead of her as she watched and listened to Shinzuu speak to his mother. At the word "celebration", her expression turned to a glare, though it was still directed at the ground. How could Shiori say it was a celebration? There was nothing celebratory about it at all to her. The only reason Shiori had had to take her in was because her parents had died. It wasn't a happy occasion and them acting like it was made her want to find them all and give each of them a punch in the face. Unconsciously, she had balled her hands into fists while glaring at the ground and wasn't even walking upright anymore and it was more like she was stalking along toward a fight. The look on her face, her balled up fists, and the way she was walking completely contrasted the way that she was dressed.
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Re: Fur-al High
« Reply #914 on: January 09, 2011, 08:45:35 PM »
She waited outside while her father went inside to get her papers. Marlowe had not really wanted to go inside the school, so she sat outside on the sidewalk looking at the dress in the bag. She liked it somewhat, she just didn't want to wear it because she was very self conscious. She generally wore things that covered her and didn't show anything off unless it was a tight fitting girly t-shirt, and even those managed to make her uncomfortable from time to time despite people saying that she didn't look too bad in them. Marlowe had always been dissatisfied with the way she looked because she was bigger than most pretty girls, but she wasn't fat. She sighed, taking another look at the dress. Her father was going to get mad at her, but she was going to wear her black converses under the dress, she had made her mind up. She hated dress shoes, and the converses would match the dress, even if no one saw them... After all, her dress was floor length. She smirked a bit at the thought and sat the dress in her lap as she put her head in her paws looking outward across to the other side of the street. She only really took the time to look behind her when someone would pass her.


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