(No, there was no pursuit, no little broadcast with a very very illegal AI, You guys survive the crash, and link up with the other Cerberus people. It's quite simple Akayla, no need to go 'Good going gabag, your always THAT guy, now what the Hell are we gonna do' well Entaru think of it this way, you've escaped... for now. And you got a good headstart to haul away to a new Cerberus ship.
This is my rp, and as the GM my word shall be LAW!, and yes i've always had a thing for the dramatic.)
A Couple Marines were ready to repel borders if the damaged freighter tried to attach, however... it just plain crashed into the ship. Even worse, it straight up just crashed into the Marines, crushing all of them. The occupants inside the damaged freighter were relatively intact excluding bruising. But now with the Flotilla on their tail it was time to run.