He had the advantage of the first shot, having the time to prepare, as he fired the carnage right at them, giving him the starting advantage... and, plus, destruction was always fun! the sinks on the right side of this shotgun steamed straight on out, as he cocked out the shotgun, ejecting the entirely spent part of the thermal clip... the only problem was, it took all of the 6 shots to fire the carnage, so it was good for certain situations and when you start out. and doing it near the end of the clip would most likely make the gun explode. his head was safety under cover, so he was fine when they fired the rifle... he wasn't going to hit them from this distance, so he pulled out his pistol that DIDNT require thermal clips, and blind fired... he wasn't gonna pop out when they had assault rifles, and he never got to learn how to deploy a combat drone properly due to shotgun research...