Stupid flipping darn heck Tory gah!
Why on earth would you put a cap on immigration of highly skilled workers?! Immigration is good for the economy, highly skilled workers are good for the economy, everyone gets more workers that can do the job. I can understand stopping unskilled workers unless they're refugees and asylum seekers (which are basically the same thing), but to put a cap on ALL immigration? it makes no sense!
Stupid conservatives are all saying "well we're fulfilling our promise to our voters..." but you didn't keep your promise about not raising VAT when you could have put VAT on aspects that are currently exempt.. but then doing that would harm your rich friends you stupid Tory nutjobs.
And the conservatives didn't keep their promise about tax credits for game development which would help the industry massively, and would definitely help the economy since games are the biggest entertainment industry in Britain, getting a billion pounds every year for the Britain.
I mean, I knew the Tories would do some stupid stuff, but that doesn't mean I can't rant about it.