These student protests are making me rather furious. A bunch of greedy, egregious people labeling people and inspiring racial hatred all in the name of trying to promote 'diversity.'
You know what would promote diversity? Letting people be who they are without making them feel like a bunch of assholes for their race, heritage or courses of study. Without imposing demands for what they want and allowing students to choose for themselves. The vast majority of their claims against these schools are strawmen laced with greed and narcissism.
They sit in their lush and lavish colleges and are receiving a formal post-secondary education, and I sit here unemployed and struggling to get into a formal college due to lack of credit and expenses. I must be so **censor** privileged to be a white guy with how easy my life is and all the lack of adversity I've faced in my life. Nobody is sparking racism and sexism and whatever other **censor** ism you can name but these people. I don't have to apologize for something I have never done, so neither should anyone who was negatively affected by these superfluous rallies.
Of course, only hypocrites prosper in this turbulent tempest of tripe. What a bunch of children. I don't know who's worse, them, or the people who have spent the past week rioting and blocking off public roadways just to harass police officers.
It's like I've said before, this is the world of revenge and nobody has any eyes left to see the issues it's causing.