I think you are a very positive ranter Mishko.
You are even handed and invite discussion either explicitly or implicitly. It has never struck me as being a bitch.
And if people don't get you, then well... they can do their own rants.
You are definitely a different breed of ranter than my "scream into a hole until the blood lust or selfloathing subside" style. It certainly make for better reading
While I'm here, I may as well sneak in a quick rant that I wasn't going to bother with:
To whom it may concern, I was happy, actually really happy for the first time in a long time and you f#cked it up and left me in pieces for someone else to hold together. If you want to goddamn talk where the hell are you?! (*&^%$#%^&*(*&%$
End rant.