Just got back from a meeting with my social workers and some other people.
I hate those meetings. When I insist I'm fine, they keep telling me I'm not...
When I say I don't need any of their stupid group activities or medications, they say I do...
When I say I know how to wash my clothes, cook, take care of my personal hygiene and other basic common everyday things they keep implying that I don't.
Just because I'm not like everyone else it doesn't mean I'm some sort of freak that has to be put on medication or in some sort of daily activity group. I'm happy like this. I don't need many friends. I don't feel the need to constantly be surrounded by people.
Just because things got awfully bad after one single event that's most likely never going to repeat itself it doesn't mean that's the "truth" of how things have always been or how they'll always be. Sure, I might not have too high standards for how "clean" I like my living space, but it's good enough, no pests or nasty smells or sticky spots on the floor or anything. I just don't feel the need to have a floor that's so clean I can -eat- straight from it. Because civilized people don't eat from their floor.
I also hate it when I finally give in to their eternal whining (Like, "Ok, I'll go with you and -LOOK- at the activities" or "Ok, I'll consider taking/doing/seeing this/that/someone/whatever" ), they go all "OK, should we book you in now or next week or when do things work for you?"
I was looking there -once- and said I'd -CONSIDER- it, not "ERHMAZRRRRFFFF SIGN ME UP NAO PLOXXX!!!111!!!" >_>
If they think I've started to break, then they're wrong. I'm better than I've been in a looong time and think I've finally found a way to prove it to them once and for all: I'M FINE, LEAVE ME ALONE AND GO FORCE THOSE PILLS DOWN SOMEONE ELSE'S THROAT!!
Because just telling them that last thing straight to their faces would earn me the "Oh, the poor thing doesn't know what she's talking about"-look and some random "That could be discussed"-comment.
Oh, and also, it seems like someone's stolen my bike. Fantastic. Wonderful. Lovely.