Not only am I **censor** miserable with my job, considering the fact that the expectations are insanely over-the-top, they never have enough people and expect ONE person (i.e. me) to fill in for them, they just left me to figure my very specific job out rather than train me properly and this is draining away at my mind and body. All of this heavy duty hard labor mixed with emotionless bosses and constantly being assaulted by feelings of inadequacy and contempt has done nothing for me but make me a tiny sum of money. And seeing how I am moving soon, I want to get out. Now. I hate it there, it makes me unhappy. I want to do well, but I don't. Perhaps because of all the damn abuse they put their workers through only to say "you need to speed up." Because of how much it taxes me, and considering I work from 4pm to 1am, I basically spend my work week either unable to sleep as soon as I'm home and waking up at 2pm or so, OR I'm tired from the work days and wish to spend my days off relaxing and doing next to nothing. I dunno if any of you have ever worked for Walmart... but trust me, it is HELL when you're not the "manager's favorite"
But on top of THAT crap, I'm finally reaching that point where I am not as happy being single. It is making me sad, on top of the aforementioned bullshit I endure on a daily basis. I'll stick this one out, though. Just because impatience is not a vice does not mean that rushing a decision like that is acceptable.