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I injured my back about six days ago. Pretty much I've been in pain since then. The Dr was concerned i at have a hernia but couldn't find one. So I'll probably have to get a CT scan soon.It's meant I've missed a bunch of work and am now thoroughly miserable.But mostly I feel like I don't have anyone to look after me.Just over always being the carer and never the caree.I feel insignificant.
My laptop has some weird startup problems since recently. I hope there's no malware or a hack involved in this. I'm running a full virus scan as I type this.
I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me.I feel like my whole life is falling apart <REMOVED>I've been having random panic attacks every couple of hours, I can't even get myself to eat or sleep anymore!I wanna talk to my mom about it, but she'd probably just tell me to go say a prayer or something like that.I literally have nobody to talk to, I have no friends, my family won't talk to me, and I spend my whole life literally sitting in my closet, I'm sitting in it right now!Anytime I come out of it, I have to put up with the shit that's going in the world, I have to listen to my brothers insult me for no **censor** reason!<REMOVED>My whole life is falling apart, I'm too pathetic to even handle talking to people in the real world!<REMOVED>Seriously, I'm **censor** scared, <REMOVED>I'm done with my stupid rant now, I'm gonna go watch me some Mr. Robot.EDIT: Mr. Robot has become extremely boring.