I'm making this RPG right now in RPG maker about Pokemon, and through-out the entire game, you're usually playing as one monster at a time. Each monster has their own story, and their own final boss. Right now I just finished the third story about a Raticate named Malra who's trying to prove herself to her friends after fleeing from a battle against an Arbok named Nagita. After the fight, one of her friends scared Nagita off, but all of her friends are making fun of her for being a coward. Malra decides she must get stronger and prove herself by seeking out Nagita and beating her in battle. Well...
Malra has good attack, great mind, amazing speed, lots of MP, but pathetic HP and Defense. In other words, Malra is kind of like a Glass Cannon fighter. Her moves are powerful, and she has some useful moves under her belt, like an attack where she cuts the opponents attack in half (Pretty much manditory for the final battle) a move where she deals lots of damage by shattering a large nut with her teeth, sending sharp bits of shell at the opponent (For finishing off Nagita) a move that heals 2/3 or her health (Also manditory) and a move where she chokes the opponent for a number of turns, which disables the opponent for a few turns and deals about 100 damage each turn the target is being choked, but also rarely works on Nagita, so it should be used sparingly and ONLY as a finisher. Nagita, the final boss for Malra's bit, has 6800 HP, which makes it a REALLY long battle. Also, if she ever reaches 2% life before dying, she uses a move which pretty much ensures her victory, so you need to use a strong move on her. Besides that, she doesn't have many strong attacks except for an attack capable of doing 90 to 150 points of damage to Malra (Which is almost half her life). Worst off, she is one of the few fights in Malra's bit that has a speed advantage, so she attacks first more often than not. The fight is definately possible to win, but I'm worried at the current HP that I dragged it out too much. But I'm also worried that if I lower the HP, it will make her too easy. Grrrr... what to do, what to do. PS: It IS possible to beat her, but I haven't done it yet.