I hate when I'm trying to give artistic advice to someone, but they ignore it completely and instead give me a sob story about how terrible and hard their life is.
I'm not a rude person, I like to help people, that's why I'm a teacher, but when I try to help someone it's frustrating when they see that help as me telling them that they should give up on art.
If you want to get into the art profession, you need a thick hide and you need to be able to take criticism. If you say things like "THANKS, MY LIFE WAS BAD ENOUGH, NOW THAT YOU'VE TOLD ME SOME CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM I'M GOING TO GO KILL MYSELF" when you get a comment on how to improve, then you really need to grow up.
And I usually word my criticism in a very nice way, since I'm used to giving criticism to middle school kids, so if people are THAT sensitive when it comes to constructive criticism then they need to rethink their profession. You can't improve as an artist unless you get told how to improve. Just hearing "OMG THIS DRAWING IS GREAT" is nice, but it doesn't help you improve as an artist. If you want to just hear how amazing your art is, but freak out and threaten suicide when you are given advice on how to draw better, then your goal isn't to become a great artist, it's petty masturbation.
The work was traced from another drawing from a well-known artist, and people are paying them MONEY for it.
That's just wrong for both the artist and the client.
Edit: Also, people who think that their lives are SO HARD and think that they are the only artist in the world who has such a BAD LIFE need to do more research on a little artist named Vincent van Gogh.