In the next couple weeks, I'm going to be dealing with a lot of things, and my anxiety is mounting. (It's not diagnosed that I have an anxiety disorder, but I'm pretty sure about it and will be bringing it up when I have to go to the doctor for a physical in about a month.)
Thing is, with my anxiety, I usually get sick along with it (generally in the mornings and gets better throughout the day), which makes me not want to do the things that are causing the stress and anxiety. In turn, I have to force myself to go through the things while trying to satiate my sickness (which is very difficult).
I got some Valerian Root to try to help, but it's basically meant to help with sleeping, so I guess I've got to get some St. John's Wort for it today and hopefully it will help since it is supposed to be taken three times a day. It's basically just a substitute until my physical though.
(Not posting everything here since I'm going to be writing in my journal about it all.)