Ok so after a recent IRC chat a couple of us have decided to try and make a picture feature all the furrys here on the boards avatars (especially if you have a furry forums shirt) so if you would please post your avatars pic here so we can use it in the pic that would be great. :snicker:
The picture should be posted from  a clear full body shot in the previewer, remember this is gonna be like a camera pic so feel free to pose as long as we do get your full body in the pic and it is resonable size (at least 250x400 or around that size). :squish:
A few rules about the picture.
1. no obscene gestures or worded clothing
2. one avatar entry per person, none of this "well i have 5 furrys" stuff. Â Just send your main fursona for the pic.
3. accessories are welcome if you have them but nothing room sized keep it under the size of a 2 avatar minimum
4. no vices. means no wine glasses, cigarrettes, or anything that promotes drinking, tobacco, or other things kids shouldn't do.
5. Don't copy another persons avatar, If you happen to look similar that is ok but don't purposly wanna spoof another furry for the pic, be your own furry we are trying to include everyone in this as a furry forums family not a clone wars.
thats about it, get to posting and remember if you have a Furry Forums shirt you are encouraged to wear it. Wearing a FF shirt gives you a spot up front. :sparkle:
I accept all picture formats but JPG and PNG formats are prefered.
for those of you having trouble or don't know how to make a screenshot of your avatar this
Tutorial will explain how.
as an example here is mine...