Yes, Crimson, don't give up! Everyone is a newb to roleplaying once in their lives. I mean I used to suck myself! I
still suck, but whatever...
And shoot. I wish it had been my turn...I weally had something pretty written up...
Oh, and if you ever feel like I'm holding things up and you need to drop me, Asia, then feel free to do so. I love this RP, and I love roleplaying, but to be honest, I hardly ever get the chance to be online. The only times I can are when my folks let me (half the time they say NO when I ask to get online, and yes I'm still in school at 19...don't ask) or when I get to go to the library. I can get on with my phone, but that's about a dollar a can see I have a serious internet dilemma.
Anyway, I promise to be on as much as I can and post as often as I can, and check back as often as I can, but I would understand if you needed to drop me...=(