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Author Topic: The Vigilant  (Read 5578 times)

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2010, 06:49:09 AM »
Sean fell back onto the matress.  It felt good... He hadn't slept on a real matress in a long time, mostly just wooden pallets he scrounged up from back alleys and such.  He slowly drifted off...

And found himself back in the warzone, shooting, killing.  He could see fire, smell smoke, hear the whistle of bullets...  To his left, another member of his unit went down.  Sean grabbed him, trying to carry him, but he was dead, and blood ran from his chest onto the wolf's fur, staining it a luriid crimson.  Suddenly, he felt more bullets whiz by him, and one hit him in the arm.  He yelped, and then...

Woke up.  He tried to cover a slight whimper with a fake snore.  He shuddered.  It was just a dream... but it had been real, once...  The wolf rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but he doubted he would get much rest.
Tell your children not to walk my way
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What they mean, what they say....
-"Mother" by Danzig

90% of teens today would have a breakdown if Facebook were to crash.  If you are in the 10% that would be laughing, copy this and paste it to your sig.

Offline Kitt_R_Beesley

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2010, 07:04:20 AM »
The Reaping Fox had been watching as the three vigilantes had made quick work of the gang bangers. and went their respective ways. He had seen it all in extream detail thanks to the computer laden visor he was wearing to guide any of the missiles that he decided he would use this night. After they had all moved a few blocks away he flew down to the store house that they had been next to. Cutting a hole into the shed had been pretty easy, but tracking down the explosives was a bit harder. After locating them and loading them onto his board the Reaper locked a missile to a point inside the shed and flew out. after reaching an altitude of 600 feet the reaper pulled his last missile and threw it straight down watching as the thruster engaged and guided the missile right into the heart of the weapons cache. The entire building was incinerated almost instantly in a massive ball of flame shot straight up like a beacon to the mob and other vigilantes."Heh heh heh;  beautiful not a thing will be left after a blast like that,  but then again a thermite head missile will do that to things. Too bad it was my last one. Oh well I've got plans for this stuff. I need to find out where the other vigilates are. they can use this more than I can." The Reaper then turned around and flew in circles enjoying the view as well as trying to locate the vigilante he had seen run off after the gang bangers.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 03:19:24 PM by Kitt_R_Beesley »

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2010, 10:49:17 PM »
The Agent heard the explosions, but decided to ignore them to better his lifespan. Explosions from nowhere were never a good thing to run too, because it was either a lure, or just the footnote to another explosion from nowhere. Quickly ducking in a concealed alleyway, he took off his S.W.A.T. equipment and most of his guns, and hid them in a backpack, he kept a gun in his back pocket as insurance and walked outside in his civilian attire, to everyone in the city, The Agent was invisible and off the radar.

He chucked his backpack in the back seat of an unmarked van, and climbed into the driver's side.

"Well 'Serenity' how are you doing this fine evening?" he asked gingerly. Ahh how he loved that girl like the daughter he could never have.

"Well judging by the explosion and the fact there's a guy floating on a hoverboard launching those explosives, I'd say pretty good."

"We know what that flying fool is doing up there or is he just having fun?"

"It's hard to tell but he's looking for someone, who, I dunno, from what I can see, he either wants that person in the ground or a chance to meet them."

"A raging psycho with high explosives who can fly searching for someone. I love Mondays. Care for some ice cream?" He asked with a smile on his face.
The little girl in the back at first frowned at the fact he wasn't too serious about the rocket launching man, but then decided 'why not, it's ice cream'.

The van pulled away and merged with the traffic, trying to avoid the panicking pedestrians and the authorities trying to get to the bomb site.

Offline Kitt_R_Beesley

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2010, 11:04:50 PM »
As the Reaper flew around he could not find any sign of the vigilante he was looking for. "Damn it! They are able to hide fast! What can I do to get a message to them? I know!" Flying down to the alley, the Reaper grabbed the mirror that the agent had carved the skull into and placed it somewhere the news crews would find it. He then  spray painted a target around it and attached a note reading "To the carver of this skull, I have a proposition for you. I, like yourself, want to see the mob cleaned out of this city, so heres the deal. I want to meet you and have some help forming the other vigilantes into a colusive force. I can provide inside info on almost all of the mobs activities, and yes while I was the one that blew up one of their weapons caches, I have a very limited supply of these explosives so I need help to bring these guys down. Meet me at the down town library, and well see what we can work out no cops or mob will be there both have bigger plans for the night. yours truely, the reaper. the reaper singned the letter and took off to fly around the city before flying to the roof of his apartment landed and took off his flight suit. The reaper once again became Kitt an engineering graduate that no one could come close to guessing was even related to the reaper. Kitt was a semi timmid engineer bullied into working for the mob. Kitt went down stairs and turned on the evening news.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 03:26:56 PM by Kitt_R_Beesley »

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2010, 11:26:05 PM »
(well i didn't carve the skull into a body, more like a car mirror but I can pretend)

At the ice cream place, the cashiers were watching the television in the ceiling, and something of note came on the air, a special news bulletin.

"Witnesses report seeing what appears to be a missile streaking towards a 4 story apartment building from a mysterious source.. The authorities have found no motive for destroying the building and no bodies were found. In stranger news, by the wreckage of the building, there seems to be a marking of the infamous 'Agent', a very deadly and enigmatic vigilante with a note attached to the marking."
The people in the ice cream parlor watched in shock as the camera zoomed in on the proposal from the reaper to the Agent.
The Agent himself stopped digging into his soft serve vanilla cone and watched at the mention of his alias, along with Serenity looking on too.

"Whoever this 'Reaper' is, they must have some very very powerful enemies, or want someone really powerful removed, to publicly contact The Agent. I'm Trisha Bradshaw, Channel 4 News"
The pair left the ice cream parlor and got in their van, and unfolded the hidden compartments in the back, revealing their high tech computer system they owned.

How they got this system was of questionable origin of course, back when the Agent worked for the mob, he had to knock up a few technology appliance buildings, and when he turned on the mob, he decided to keep their new high tech surveillance and listening systems for himself. The system included a quartet of top of the line Macintosh computers jury rigged together to share the processing power, and these were plugged into an even better Dell computer, making it a really powerful machine. Connected to the Dell was a series of screens of various sizes and type, a few LCD screens a small plasma. The Dell was wireless connected to to the City's security networks, considering their current state of power, it was easy to hack into the system. The pair is then able to access any public surveillance camera on the street with ease. They also nabbed a stolen police phone tap in case someone needs to be tracked via cellphone, like a kidnapper on the run with a hostage or two.

All this equipment is very very hard to maintain, and it took the Agent plenty of time to actually collect it. Five heists to actually get the equipment and a couple more shootouts then was desired to actually obtain it for personal use.

And all of this run by a little blond girl.

"Check the police databases for anything connected to the term 'Reaper' and see if it comes up. If he's a well known vigilante, I never heard of him. Try to find a phone number, if you do I'll drop him a call."

"Right.. I'll also get footage from the public security cameras and see where else he's been floating around, might lead us to a couple clues as to who he is or at least who he works for."

Offline Kitt_R_Beesley

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2010, 01:45:34 AM »
(Feel free to invent his police recored he's been operating for the last two months)

deciding that the news cast was as effective as he had hoped Kitt went and resuited as the reaper. grabbing his board he turned it on and dived off of the building. his police record was extensive as the reaper but other than the trails they had documented of his raids on minor weapons caches and drug depots they had nothing on his true identity. the name of the reaper or the reaping fox had arisin from the video footage that he had allowed a news crew to capture of him standing with the athority of death himself as the news caster had described him. he chuckled at the memories as he brought the board to bear, leveling out at a high speed a couple feet above the street top, blowing through intersections, preforming skateboard stunts acrossed the tops of moving and parked vehicles, and useing the city streets as a personal play ground keeping an eye out for trouble. blowing past the icecream parlor and onto the inter city free way; passing the speeding cars as if they were standing still.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 01:54:49 AM by Kitt_R_Beesley »

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2010, 01:58:52 AM »
The next morning around 10AM...

Reno woke up in his train car apartment he normally didn't leave his mask on in his sleep but he wanted to keep his face hidden as often as possible. Considering all the attention he's been getting recently. He turned off his TV, stood up and went over to one of the crates which had two Mac10s resting on it. He grabbed them and holstered them under his cloak. After that he grabbed a few other miscellaneous things and pocketed them. "Oi, pally, I'm 'eadin' out for a bit. Don't puke in my 'ouse and we won't have a problem." With that said he headed for the door grabbing his rifle on the way out. Once out Reno ran and jumped across rooftops heading towards the docks.
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Offline Kitt_R_Beesley

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2010, 02:33:40 AM »
Kitt awoke to an incessant pounding on his door. "Come on Kitt! Get out here! Don Raphael wants us down on the docks NOW for a new shipment of arms. if your not there he going to show ya just how heavy shoes can be."
Kitt groaned and rolled over. His head hurt like hell from lack of sleep, but that wasn't anything a cup of coffee and some Baily's couldn't fix. after answering the door he went into the kitchen and put a pot on to brew.
"So wheres the don need me this time? Good god it 10:20; why so early John?"
"Kitt the shipment is due at 10:30 your running late good thing your just about a mile from the docks eh?"
 Kitt sloped a little more Baily's into his coffee then he had intended. Then in a panicked rush Kitt flew to get dressed only stopping to grab his trench coat befor running out the door. After a 5 minute run he was on the dock, and out of breath. The salty sea air blowing in his face taunting his lungs. The greenish gray sea glistened in the morning light causing Kitt to squint so he could see the dock workers. "Good timing Mr. Beesley; the ship has just arrived." Kitt made a noncomital noise in his throat and turned to watch the arrival of the S.S. Signy a freighter from iceland.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 03:33:47 PM by Kitt_R_Beesley »

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2010, 04:06:58 AM »
"Let's see here... from what the news tells us he's convinced he's able to use any force necessary to bring the mob to justice, he loves explosives, but has a limited supply of the stuff, he has a hoverboard and there's a small list of people he's brought to jail or flat out killed, there's quite a few more unidentifieds tagged along with it. Nothing big yet though, I'll need to do a bit of wet work. Are you gonna meet this mysterious 'Reaping Fox' for his offer or just blow him off like the rest? Also you do have to get to the docks by twelve, meeting that Reno kid again" 'Serenity' read out loud, as if she was the Agent's secretary, who was just starting the car.

"I'm not sure if I'll meet this Reaper guy at all, sounds like a lunatic but then so do I with me carving skulls into everything to let people know I killed their buyers. I'm gonna drive half a block by the docks and leave you with the keys, now before this meeting happens you can do whatever, but when this alarm goes off at 11:50, I need your eyes and ears ready, because I don't know what to expect considering a lot of people want to put a bullet in my head." The orders were simple and quick, and 'Serenity' had the air of arrogance to her, like she knew what she was doing, and mocked being offended that he wouldn't trust her on this.

He left the van and ducked into another shady alley, and suited up in his S.W.A.T. gear and publicly walked out on the street, now officially as 'The Agent'. People either avoided him because he was so friggin deadly or thanking him because he kills people they want dead. He checked his cellphone for the address of the apartments and walked inside.

11:50, Serenity's cellphone started rumbling and she walked back to the van, packing up the new stuff she bought for herself and drove the van into a secluded spot and started up the surveillance equipment.

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2010, 05:10:30 AM »
Reno was waiting in the abandoned apartments for The Agent, doing some recon on the docks as he waited. When the Agent came into the room he was in he turned immediately to him. "Alright, you want information from me, you want to know my "Price". It's simple, very simple. There is a man working at the docks, after about an 'our watching and a lot of lip reading, I'm fairly sure the target's wearing the red striped shirt down there." He handed The Agent his pair of binoculars and pointed out the window. " 'is name's Chester, 'e 'as information I am in need of. I want you to get me some alone time with him. I don't care 'ow you do it, but I need 'im alive. You have a radio right? Tune in to 136.9, we'll keep in touch. For this mission I'll be providing you with some sniper support as needed. I'm already set up one floor above, there are a bunch of mobsters with assault rifles. Their guard is weakest from the East, you could probably sneak in there without getting noticed. Any questions?" With that said Reno walked to the door, stopping and looking back to see if he did have any questions.
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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2010, 05:41:21 AM »
"Simple nab and run operation you got here. So i grab this guy, give you a few hours, and then i get what I want. I look forward to working with you." The Agent said as he left after memorizing what Chester looked like.
Remembering Reno's advice, he's weakest from the east side, so The Agent radioed in to Reno about the guards.
"Set up a distraction for me so i can move in and greet our boy. I can handle this many guys but you wanted this to be quiet"

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2010, 05:48:00 AM »
Sean woke up with a groan.  His head hurt like hell, and he had to get some air.  The wolf stumbled outside the train car and breathed the morning air, which, as was typical in Arc, was dirty and slightly foul, but it tasted better than his breath currently did.  The vigilante sniffed the air.  Reno was gone, but...  The wolf shrugged.  Might as well tail him, just in case the kid needed some backup.  Sean checked his weapons, then headed off, following the rabbit's distinctive scent toward the docks.
Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean, what they say....
-"Mother" by Danzig

90% of teens today would have a breakdown if Facebook were to crash.  If you are in the 10% that would be laughing, copy this and paste it to your sig.

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2010, 06:10:20 AM »
Reno once again was lying on a table behind the scope of his W2000 suppressed sniper rifle. When the Agent radioed he was in position Reno looked around for him. He saw him just around the corner from Chester who was also with two others just chatting. Grabbing him would get The Agent caught, so he started looking around for something he could do for a distraction. And he found it. On the West side of the docks there was a crane holding up a large container. Reno took aim at the cable holding up the container. Just before taking the shot he radioed. "Alright, I got something, get ready to grab 'im." Reno took the shot, the cable snapped and the container came down on two forklifts causing a small explosion from some sparks and gasoline tanks nearby. Needless to say the mission was starting, guards came from all around. Chester and the two with him began to run over towards it, Chester behind the other two as they ran.
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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2010, 02:34:01 PM »
Kitt had been standing next to Chester and John when the crate fell. As the issuing blast was heard Kitt and John spun, and ran to wards the explosion stopping just short of the flames. Cester issued a short bark of an order and sent John running to check the personnel. As Kitt took in the scene he felt a gun barrel press against the back of his head.
"Kitt, you were a good weapons dealer, but I have my orders from the don. I'm sorry but I can't let you live. Too many of the weapons caches that were destroyed were run by you, and this way we can blame this on the vigilantes."

Kitt's mind went into over drive. How could they know? And no he had been destroying the other members warehouses. He was sure of it.

"So why, if I was a good weapons dealer, why am I to be killed?"

"I'm not sure son, ask the don when you see him in hell."

This was it. Kitt could tell almost instinctively that he was going to die. On a final gambit Kitt prayed that whoever had caused the explosion, would help him out of this mess.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 05:01:18 PM by Kitt_R_Beesley »

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Re: The Vigilant
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2010, 03:46:22 PM »
The Agent had to move quick, there was a setup. He pistol whipped Chester in the back of the head, knocking him out cold, or at least making his head hurt a lot. He then placed a silenced pistol to the head of John and pulled the trigger. He grabbed Kitt and Chester and yanked them both outta here. He needed Chester for Reno, but he had questions for Kitt.

Post Merge: July 09, 2010, 03:58:56 PM
The Agent raised his pistol and fired a three round burst, hitting Chester in the leg and making him fall to the ground in pain.,
"Thats what happens when you run pal" The Agent merely said as he bashed Chester over the head to knock him out, He them mounted him on his shoulders and hoisted away, while still dragging along Kitt.

"Keep those other guys off me or you may never see Chester again"
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 03:58:56 PM by Gabag »


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