The year is not certain, its been almost three life spans since the bombs have fallen and engulfed the world in death. Through pre planing and wealth your family has lived among others in underground pods. Each family that's was provided a pod has had enough space to fit a singel generation of off springs. The pods are connected to a large underground plaza. The plaza is called the main frame, the main frame was large enough to be able to hold every one through out all of the residing family's, but only one generation. The pods are underground and are static to the size they where made. In two generations it would of went to anarchy and every one would be fighting for space, food, and water. The groups counsel members thought that they only way to eliminate this problem would be to kill off members. This would work technically but one counsel member saw that this might cause a problem and would just in the end lead to rebellion and total anarchy faster. He suggested that each family's children must all fight in an arena to earn the rights to live in the pod. This has been law in the main frame ever since, your time is arriving to fight your fellow brethren for your right to live inside the main frame, and lets your genetics move to the next generation. The day before your fight, you receive a letter form one of the head counsels. You have been asked to meet them in a hidden part of the main frame, the only way for you to get there is to board a private train. When you get on the train you notice that there are no windows and you are not the only one on the train.