yeah, the fact you've been a bigscale customer like that only worsens it, that means they don't give a damn about their customers. and that's bad bussiness. i don't know what's going on in bill's head, byt to ban any customer without looking into the matter is against even their policy. It shows ignorance and incompentence, neither of which should be found in the judgement of a member-responcible person of any site and chat. if they gonna ban people over stuff like that i realy hope half the people we meet, that is asking for cyber, have been booted...
Posted on: March 20, 2007, 01:53:41 PM
yeah, the fact you've been a bigscale customer like that only worsens it, that means they don't give a damn about their customers. and that's bad bussiness. i don't know what's going on in bill's head, byt to ban any customer without looking into the matter is against even their policy. It shows ignorance and incompentence, neither of which should be found in the judgement of a member-responcible person of any site and chat. if they gonna ban people over stuff like that i realy hope half the people we meet, that is asking for cyber, have been booted...