Frankly I think all this "We are British, Ra Ra Ra" patriotism is useless and silly. Yes there used to be a british empire, yes it was very big, yes it used to be a very powerful force.
hey used to say the sun never set on the British empire
They also used to say "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY!"
But then, what on earth has that got to do with today? Nothing. What has it got to do with daylight savings time? Nothing. What has it got to do with taking on EU policies? Nothing. The only thing that matters about daylight savings time is how it affects those whose lives are affected by the sun in the sky.
How I see it, is that this affects farmers, and schoolchildren. Farmers work by the sun, schoolchildren shouldn't be out when it's dark. That's plenty of reason to keep daylight savings time.
Another the EU wants to do is remove the British Pounds and replace it with the Euro
Oh heaven forbid, they get rid of a massively more expensive currency that makes it unattractive for anyone wanting to buy stuff made in britain. Heaven forbid, we take on a currency that is well on its way to becoming the dominant currency of trade in the world. Granted, the pound allows us to buy things from other countries relatively cheaply... maybe that's why we barely export anything, and import everything.
But there's one thing annoying me (the previous paragraphs were me being animated about politics.)... The one thing annoying me is that... out of all the contraversial decisions made by this most atrocious of governments... why are you singling out this one?
Why not single out the decision to remove the cap from University Student fees, making sure that our one good commodity (intelligent and skilled workers) is cut in half. Do we really want universities to go back to being the realm of the super rich, landed gentry? leaving the poorer classes to be stuck in a dead end?
What about the decision whereby if anyone is caught illegally downloading more than 3 times, then they lose their internet, despite such a system being very hard to police, leading to miscarrages of justice.
and hey, what about that budget, saving the rich and damning the poor.
not to mention the games industry tax breaks or lack thereof.
Daylight savings is a small fry issue