I had the mega-creepiest dream, which I had quite a while ago but it came back. It always comes back when I play Wild ARMS 5.
No idea why aside from the overall wild-west-ish theme. Ironically it was my idea for my original wolf-fursona.
Anyways I start off as a human, and i'm with this girl i've never met, and we're watching something that looks like 'The Messengers'. All in all it's pretty good, and we're talking and I call her Emily. I guess that's her name. But then this demon thing (?) inside the movie turns and looks out at the two of us, and next thing you know, theres a freaking SWARM of them busting down the doors and walls and coming in, and Emily(?) tells me to run and shoves me away and I get knocked out.
Then I wake up, as a human still but in totally different clothes. and I'm sitting there and I sit up in the bed and look next to me and theres a young girl in blue, and an anthro wolf dressed all in black. They explain what is going on (But I can never remember the exact words), and I decide that I need to find Emily(Who I have NO CLUE who this is still), and hope she's still alive. And we figure out that if we don't move or make a sound, they don't notice us and keep walking, and then we wander and the three of us get to this town, and go into this corrupt politicians house? one thing leads to another and he kicks us out, so I guess we're drifters(unsure). So we keep going, and the wolf and girl (whos names I never end up learning) encounter a swarm of more advanced thingies that can see us, and so the three of us start fighting them off, and then one lunges at me and I wake up.
That's all.
Cause I never learn what those demon things are because the explanation is convieniently censored.