I wanna be unique and original with my post on this thread, throwing in some indie games like Zeno Clash or The Path, and I was hoping to do some Planescape Torment, though I'm nowhere near far enough into it to really appreciate the characters... but instead, the characters that always really stood out for me, were from the bigger games:
GlaDOS: Portal: Brilliantly funny and sinister at the same time. Also the fact that she feels this frustration for being pestered and picked on, just because she was doing some experiments the way she wanted to do it, and then some stupid human had to go and mess it all up. I love that idea that she feels innocent.
Tommy Angelo: Mafia: Despite me being more involved and attached with Vito Scolletta from Mafia II, Tommy Angelo is my favourite as he's the nice guy in bad circumstances, the embodiment of the mobster movie. He just wants to do what he can to be alive and do good things for himself and his family. Plus he's a cab driver. I love those cab driving missions.
Admiral Akin Bosch: Freespace 2: Is he the saviour of the galaxy? or a man gone insane, throwing himself into the void. He's a mysterious character, only appearing in a few missions where you try to kill him for rebelling against the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance with his Neo-Terran Front. The subtleties of it are brilliantly done because you automatically assume he's the bad guy, with a terrorist organisation, but then, he does monologue cutscenes, and you realise that things aren't so clear cut. Maybe he's right.