I just made a LDing thread because I didnt see this one... oh well.
Yes I LD also, I go to the dreamviews forum for all my LD needs.
What I do is RC'S (reality checks)
for example
In dreams your hand most likely is missing or even has more than one finger, so if at any time I think I am dreaming, or I simply think about anything that reminds me of dreaming, I look at my hand, It eventually becomes a habit and even carries on into your dreams, So eventually I will be in a dream look at my hand, and say "Oh look I'm dreaming!" then the hilarity ensues. oh and if you say you dont have dreams, you do. you just cant remember them, if you want to remember them follow these simple steps.
1. when you wake up, stay still (dont be stiff and you can move a little but dont do something like get out of bed).
2. Sit there and really think about what your dream was about.
3. withing a couple of days you will be remembering your dreams and you may be surprised to find out that you have more than one dream in one night!