Stolen from Talbona on LJ.
From: Cuddly Battleship Kattywampus
to: ohiofur
"I swear this happened, guys. I purposely waited until today to say
this so no one would think I was April-fooling again.
So Saturday and yesterday, I visited the anime con called Anime Punch,
which is a small Columbus-based anime convention. I was wearing my
pokemon costume since I made it partially because I frequent anime
cons. A few other fursuiters happened by as well.
Well, we got harassed bigtime. Aside from "ewww furries" remarks from
some of the congoers and such, I even got mistreated by the con-chair
himself! Some lackey working for the convention came up to me and
said "I have a message to you from the con-chair," and when I turned
in reply, he pretended to blow my brains out. So I thought, "hmm..
they don't like pokemon" 'cause this stuff happens all the time. You
know, people being dumb and stuff. The fursuiters did get a lot of
good attention, so it wasn't like we got bashed all evening. But then
Sunday, at the closing ceremonies, the staff did a public
furry-bashing. So I walked into the ceremony. (A furry working for
the convention explained what they were saying) As I went in, it
caused a commotion, and they announced onstage that they didn't want
furries or people in furry costumes to show up to the convention next
year. Mixed response from the audience.
Then, the conchair sent a guy with a REAL cattle prod after me! Some
of the people on stage cheered, and some of the crowd got antsy. I
picked up a damn chair. Then it was mad commotion. So three people
jumped up out of the crowd and got between me and cattle-prod guy.
One guy wrestled the chair out of my paws, and the other two
shoved/swung at cattle-prod guy. (They were apparently furs) Two
other fursuiters came in. After they made nasty comments, one gave
them the finger. (I tried to flip the bird, but I only have 3 fingers
anyway, so it doesn't look right) We stood our ground and a good half
of the audience came up and hugged us as they were leaving and said
they didn't want us to leave. We got a few nasty comments from
people. Then when we were leaving, we walked up the hall leading to
the door, and the whole staff was there. Some of them made nasty
comments, and one even tried to pick a fight with one of us. So I
finally spoke (Kept character the whole time) and told them that they
really didn't want our money. They said "You made your point, now
So yeah, I just thought you should know.
Any suggestions on what to do at this point? Is there anything to do?
Is it right that people can treat paying customers this way and get
treated like this?
Frustrated as hell,
Oh, P.S. The cattle prod had been disarmed during that time. Dunno
when. So no one was injured."
I say, wear your furs proudly. I know I do ^-^