Okay, from those of us who are fans of Big Bang Theory, will know this game. Basicly, what you have to do is pose an alternate world that differs from ours in ONE key aspect, then ask a question about that world. The next person will answer it as creativly as they can and explain why. They will then pose thier own alternate world for the next person.
Poster 1:
In a world where humanity is enslaved by an almighty beaver, what food item is no longer consumed?
Poster 2:
The cheese danish.
Reason: Men build damns to please the mighty beaver. The low laying city of Copehnahgan is flooded. In thier grief the people of Denmark don't create the food they're famous for.
In a world where Rhinos are pets, who wins the second world war?
Poster 3:
Reason: Kenya rises to power as a chief exporter of Rhinos. A central power block is formed colinizing north africa and Europe. War breaks out. No one can afford the luxury of Rhinos. Kenya withers, Uganda triumphs.
You get the idea? There's no wrong answers. feel free to have as much fun with it as possible and try to be creative as possible. Remember, the only way the world is different is the one key aspect. Anything else that has changed has to be because of that key aspect. Everyone ready?
First alternate world:
In a world where dogs are the masters and humans are the pets, what sport is not played at the olympics?