In life, someone must earn your respect and visa-versa. Respect isn't just handed over to you on a silver platter, no, you must earn it. I got a friend who thought that I respected him cause of the things he has done for me. Yeah, I do respect him for the things that he's done for me, but the thing is, he doesn't respect me... That was until today. Every Tuesday and Thursday we have sparring sessions in boxing practice. I weigh 143-145lbs while my friend weighs 192lbs. The rules in boxing is you can only spar with your own weight, well... I asked my instructor if i could have a spar with my buddy. He asked me 3 times if I was sure, because he heavier and hits harder. I really didn't care, so I told him that I was sure. I'm fast while he's a heavy hitter.
We only had two rounds cause I was tired and he was fatigued. We had someone record for us and when we saw the video... xD. I was dodging like a pro, but he too was dodging. We had like 6 matrix moment when we were just throwings punches and dodging not even landing a single gis on each other. In one part of the video I dodge, but he got me with a upper, but I got him with a right hook followed by a direct. In the end we both patted each other, and hugged each other like brothers and said to each other, "You've know most definatly earned my respect"