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Author Topic: Dude! I just had an epiphone! (2 Ideas)  (Read 941 times)

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Offline Aoren Deringer

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Dude! I just had an epiphone! (2 Ideas)
« on: December 19, 2010, 11:59:10 AM »
Ok so I was first thinking about air travel.
Its the safest and fastest way of travel, whilst still only consuming the energy generally required to move the cargo mass (whether human or otherwise) but the cost is still high due to the fact that resources are required in mass on a personal level.
My theory is to bring back the zeppelin. IE, to build helium based airships. You see, it fits most all criteria required... Hell, if you think about it, it could be far cheaper (if slower) let me explain.
Well, my first though was of the Hindenburg. Scary stuff, that. NOW, I propose helium as the main fillant for the airship. It is lighter than air (The basic principal required for flight in such vehicles) whilst being relatievly inexpensive. Small scale testing (1/100,000 scale) I have already done proves its viability.
Compartmentalization was my next thought. How to store cargo whether human or otherwise? The answer is again quite simple, is it not? Build dorms of sorts, systems of suites (a similar system is used on ocean liners) to hold passangers. These could be constructed out of aluminum and Zytel High-impact plastics. Both materials are extremely lightweight whilst being more than strong enough to (if properly applied) support many hundreds of tons. Such materials are already used in large transport aircraft.
Power. This is where my brilliance comes in. The main cost in air travel is fuel. Fuel compounds are uncommon and must go through a long process of purification before useage. My proposition is to use no fuel whatsoever. I propose solar power. Let me explain: The main advantage in a zeppelin (in this regard) is its massive size and relatievely slow speed. You could mount solar pannels along theuppermost vestage of the vehicle. Connect these to electric prop engines and Bingo! You have propultion. Another advantage is modern systems would allow the vehicle to fly above cloud cover, meaning that there would be no power shortage in virtually any situation, and if such a situation where to arrise, generators and batteries could be kept available.

My proposition would mean that the airship would only have to make land to unload cargo and restock vital supplies (food, water, etc.) which also means that this would indeed be a ‘flying hotel’, a vehicle you would stay in for long periods for reduced cost.
Some people say the idea is antiquated; I say we just haven’t given it a modern chance

My second idea is related to the first. I want to revise solar panels. Solar panels are traditionally made of crystallized silicone. The silicone absorbs energy in the form of heat and transfers it to turbines, which spin and produce electricity. Fine in theory, but I have an idea that is far superior. I say this because it has been used more successfully than modern solar panels for millions of years. Chlorophyll. The pigment responsible for photosynthesis. Indeed, this would actually absorb energy in the form of light rather than heat (I won’t go too far into this, as it is a subject that would make for one very long post, indeed a post far too large to interest the majority of audiences) What I propose is to dissect the Thylakoid, to take photosynthesis to an industrial level. The same panel, just coated and implemented differently.  I can’t go too far into the effectiveness of the theory (I am still in testing) but I believe it to be a solid idea. Perchance I shall patent it.
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Re: Dude! I just had an epiphone! (2 Ideas)
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2010, 12:45:18 PM »
Smart kid. Here, have a milky bone.

Seriously impressive thinking though. You should work on it and contact a professional to suggest it?

Offline Aoren Deringer

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Re: Dude! I just had an epiphone! (2 Ideas)
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2010, 12:47:09 PM »
*Noms milky bone* :]
Eh, maybe. I have some biotechnicians visiting my school in a couple of months. Maybe I can pry one of them away from our viral colonies >.>
May need a crane.
  • Avatar by: Myself, during an experiment with inversion.
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-Aoren Rekner Ilon Deringer, F.D.F. Mechanised Unit Commander, Four Stars.

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Re: Dude! I just had an epiphone! (2 Ideas)
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2010, 05:28:22 PM »
You should take into account that airships are much slower than airplanes. People will take speed over convinience any day. Good ideas though!
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Offline Aoren Deringer

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Re: Dude! I just had an epiphone! (2 Ideas)
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2010, 05:29:55 PM »
They say that until they realise they can actually go to hawaii with my method >:3
  • Avatar by: Myself, during an experiment with inversion.
"Science isn't about being conservative with your cash, it's about spending as much as you can as ridiculously as you can and hoping it doesn't explode."
- Sjin

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
-Aoren Rekner Ilon Deringer, F.D.F. Mechanised Unit Commander, Four Stars.

Life is an adventure! Sure, you'll probably spend most of it weeping uncontrollably, and on fire, but hey!


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