Bah furry haters, can't live with them, probully could live quite happly with out them. Most of them are just stupid people who are illinformed, don't want to be informed, or just feel intimadated that you are so open about yourself that they simply must prove to the world they are right. Most people off the internet won't screw with you if you wander down the street in a fursuit. Because the internet gives you a certin amount of mystery, to the point where most people are braver. Besides it's just words on a screen. They only mean so much.
If you do encounter a furry hater, ignore them, for the most part they will give up. If not, then just act calmly and politely, nothing pisses someone off more then when you show no emotion towards them what so ever. And if that still doesn't work, block them or leave. Can't fix all the ignorance in the world.