most of my dreams i tend to be my fursona...and tonight wasn't an exception. I had a dream that I was being held as a slave in a cave....then this talking wench walked upto me anfreed me....I got out of the cave and there were Nazi zombies everywhere controlling RC-XDs (Call Of Duty: Black Ops)...I took cover inside this large tent and there were some empty pizza boxes...I grabbed them and fashioned them into some cardboard armor...the RC-XDs found me and blew up but my cardboard armour saved me somehow....I then grabbed burnt peices of the RC-XD and performed some alchemy on it and turned it against the Nazi zombies...but more came behind me withguns instead and shot me...but the bullets jsut ricocheted off my cardboard armor.....and then I woke up..
most of my dreams tend to be NSFW....and most involve me being my fursona(roughly 90%)...and either furs being the dominant species onthe planet...orhumans and furries living peacfully among each other...or ones where furs have no rights or anything and are treated as slaves kept as pets.....and used for work, mating, cross breeding etcetera...sometimes it's a combination depending on the species....