I dreamed that while playing Banjo-Kazooie, I found a secret Stop 'N' Swop egg no-one discovered before.
I had to roll the egg up a submerged version of Spiral Mountain to the entrance of Treasure Trove Cove.
Banjo was warped to some kind of submerged ship hold, and I had to beat Lord Woo Fak Fak in five minutes.
However, I kept failling because of the time limit.
On my fourth attempt, Lord Woo was replaced by Dogadon from DK64.
The fight was the same as with Lord Woo, except it was way easier, although there was some lava on the bottom of the water.
Normally when you fight Lord Woo, you have to hit his eyes at the final phase of the fight.
Instead, the water drained, and Dogadon transformed into Weldar, and Banjo into his washingmachine transformation.
I had to open a hatch on Weldar's body, and used the underpants attack to clog him up.
I had to do it three times within 15 seconds.
I won with 0.4 seconds left.
Weldar exploded because of the pressure inside him, and a huge egg crashed down, blocking the exit.
The opening was only big enough for Banjo, so I had to leave ALL the Stop 'N' Swop items behind...
Stop 'N Swop solved