The last dream I remember was that I was in a Wal-Mart or something like that, and they had OMG MIJUMARU/OSHAWOTT plushies on sale, and I ADORE Mijumaru/Oshawott. ...But the plushies seemed low quality, and resembled cat toys. But there was one OMGKAWAIIDESUMIJUMARUPLUSHIE available, but I noticed a little girl wanted it more, so I just settled for the poor quality plushy. Then the dream changed and there was this evil villian that was trying to destroy a city, and the villain happened to be... an elephant. Why elephant? Probably because elephants are one of my favorite animals(trunks are cool). All of a sudden, there was this HUGE wind drift that blew everything, including the villainous elephant, over the horizon. And that's all I remember except the elephant was reploting something after that. Weird dream. (Note, the elephant was NOT Kazek the Baku, if you are wondering. Kazek's the main villain in Benny's world BTW.)