I dreamt last night about my ex coming back to save me from my life in Hell with my dad...It was weird because I had just talked to him the day before.
(where have all the good men gone, and where are all the gods?
I'm reminded of that.)
I dreamed that I was in a store for stuff... then I was like Dante from Level up, and me and Wyatt and Kyle and Angie were trying to defeat the bad guys in the school, and then some water got electrified in front of the computer lab, and we were all in the lab with this other guy, and then I think that Lilith, Mace, Bast, Namah, Vi, and Scinter somehow were in there, and then these two little girls came in and deactivated our weapons, then one turned into a boy, and it turned out they were evil, and then I was kicking their butts using Kyle's deactivated Thunder Pole...
And then I woke up.