Oh geez.
I don't know how it all started, and the first I can remember is that I was on a bus with some people that I knew. I don't remember anything else about the bus ride, such as where we were going, where we had been, etc.
And so the street was covered in babies and young children. Oh yes. And the bus driver had to avoid them by driving off the road and crashing down a tiny hillside and such. I think we hit some babies though, not sure. And the bus kinda morphed until it was a lot taller and larger than it was at first. I guess maybe 20 feet?
So we roll into this area with houses and I see this ENORMOUS tank with thousands of spiders (huge tarantulas) and the bus kinda somehow crashes into it, but we're above it? And then we go into this area the size of a small soccer field with tall stone walls around. And as we finally come to a stop, I hear someone say that the abandoned house here is being used for insect research and that's why there are so many bugs here. I remember them starting to crawl all over me; under my clothes, on my face, in my mouth... and all these bugs were huge and terrifying.
Without the dream ending, time passed and it seems like the people in the bus were unable to get out of this stone walled prison. The bugs were gone but I guess.. 10, 20 years passed? I was still me and people were doing all right. We were even happy, with our instruments and our food and everything. The place had grown into a nice lush garden too.
One day, I dunno how or why, we begin to try and tear down one of the stone walls to escape. And we do. When we're about to get out, I remind one that maybe we should have used one of the computers on the walls (dunno when they appeared) and maybe contacted someone so they could save us. I remember mentioning Google Earth. He was all "Darn, why didn't we think of that sooner?" and then we left our garden to be free again.
We split up. I now only have two others with me. It seems that we are now in a different dimension. We figure out that we have to dress up in old fashioned clothes and explode someone to get back home, and we have this old car with a bomb on its hood that we will do this with. See, one of our friends are dying and another we met on our way is too. She agrees to kill herself so that we can bomb her and escape. I was the last to say goodbye to them. Sitting on two benches, I don't remember much about the man we met, but out friend is now a living dead somehow and I remember she was ice cold when I touched her and kissed her cheek. She had something that looked like black and white Dia de los Muertos makeup on, and a Victorian styled black and white dress with a few laces and such. I complimented her and she smiled, then we bombed them with a car.
But wait; there's more!
We are then suddenly in a desert that is becoming a jungle as we walk along. We take shelter under the trees because giant fruit rains down from the sky (not the trees) and an orange smashes into someone and kills them instantly. The funny thing is that the apples were sliced.
So anyway, we move into the desert again and somehow I get the idea of flying. I think it is because I saw someone else doing it and we already knew the place was magical. So I looked for a hill where I could try to lift off, when I spot some strange toy houses with tiny people living inside them. It was a plastic tower (something a kid would play with) but the people were about an inch tall at the most and they tried to shoot arrows at me. I told them I come in peace and don't wanna hurt them, and they welcome me instead. Proves there's a whole village made of regular sized toy houses and lots of little people living there. There is only one other human and he gives me some chilli flavoured sand. Since sand is all they eat. I remember it was pretty good.